
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <cstddef>
#include <utility>

#include "src/base/logging.h"
#include "src/base/macros.h"
#include "src/base/platform/memory.h"
#include "src/base/platform/mutex.h"

namespace heap::base {
namespace internal {

class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE SegmentBase {};
}  // namespace internal

class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE WorklistBase final {};

// A global worklist based on segments which allows for a thread-local
// producer/consumer pattern with global work stealing.
// - Entries in the worklist are of type `EntryType`.
// - Segments have a capacity of at least `MinSegmentSize` but possibly more.
// All methods on the worklist itself are safe for concurrent usage but only
// consider published segments. Unpublished work in views using `Local` is not
// visible.
template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
class Worklist final {};

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
void Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Push(Segment* segment) {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
bool Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Pop(Segment** segment) {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
bool Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::IsEmpty() const {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
size_t Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Size() const {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
void Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Clear() {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
template <typename Callback>
void Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Update(Callback callback) {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
template <typename Callback>
void Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Iterate(Callback callback) const {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
void Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Merge(
    Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>& other) {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
class Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Segment final
    : public internal::SegmentBase {};

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
void Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Segment::Push(EntryType e) {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
void Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Segment::Pop(EntryType* e) {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
template <typename Callback>
void Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Segment::Update(Callback callback) {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
template <typename Callback>
void Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Segment::Iterate(
    Callback callback) const {}

// A thread-local on a given worklist.
template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
class Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Local final {};

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Local::Local(
    Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>& worklist)

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Local::~Local() {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
void Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Local::Push(EntryType entry) {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
bool Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Local::Pop(EntryType* entry) {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
bool Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Local::IsLocalAndGlobalEmpty() const {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
bool Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Local::IsLocalEmpty() const {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
bool Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Local::IsGlobalEmpty() const {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
void Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Local::Publish() {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
void Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Local::Merge(
    Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Local& other) {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
void Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Local::PublishPushSegment() {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
void Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Local::PublishPopSegment() {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
bool Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Local::StealPopSegment() {}

template <typename EntryType, uint16_t MinSegmentSize>
void Worklist<EntryType, MinSegmentSize>::Local::Clear() {}

}  // namespace heap::base