
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset='utf-8'>
    <title>HTML Test: paste DataTransfer protected status</title>
    <link rel='author' title='Nika Layzell' href='mailto:[email protected]'>
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      Select the text in the text box and press Ctrl-C followed by Ctrl-V.

    <input type="text" id="input" value="text">

    <div id="log"> </div>

      var MIME = "text/plain";

      var input;
      setup(function() {
        input = document.querySelector("#input");
      }, {explicit_done: true, explicit_timeout: true});

      var STATUS_PROTECTED = "protected";
      var STATUS_READONLY = "readonly";
      var STATUS_READWRITE = "readwrite";
      var STATUS_DISCONNECTED = "disconnected";
      function status(dt) {
        // Check if we can write to it.
        try {
          dt.setData("text/html", "_test");

          if (dt.getData("text/html") == "_test") {
            assert_true(!dt.getData("text/html"), "ClearData should work...");
            return STATUS_READWRITE;
        } catch(e) {}

        // If we can read the data then we're readonly
        if (dt.getData(MIME)) {
          return STATUS_READONLY;

        // If we can see that items exist (and read types) then we're protected
        if (dt.items.length > 0) {
          return STATUS_PROTECTED;

        // Otherwise we've been disconnected.

      let copy_dt = null;
      let paste_dt = null;
      on_event(input, "copy", function(e) {
        copy_dt = e.clipboardData;
        paste_dt = null;
        copy_dt.setData(MIME, "b");

        test(function() {
          assert_equals(status(copy_dt), STATUS_READWRITE,
                        "copy_dt must be readwrite during copy");
        }, "copy event status");

      on_event(input, "paste", function(e) {
        paste_dt = e.clipboardData;

        test(function() {
          assert_equals(status(copy_dt), STATUS_DISCONNECTED,
                        "copy_dt mustbe disconnected during paste");
          assert_equals(status(paste_dt), STATUS_READONLY,
                        "paste_dt mustbe readonly during paste");
        }, "paste event status");
        test(function() {
          assert_not_equals(copy_dt != paste_dt,
                            "copy_dt must be a different DataTransfer object than paste_dt");
        }, "paste event identity");
        test(function() {
          assert_equals(paste_dt.getData(MIME), "b",
                        "the data should have been persisted");
        }, "paste event data");


        setTimeout(function() {
          test(function() {
            assert_equals(status(copy_dt), STATUS_DISCONNECTED,
                          "copy_dt mustbe disconnected after paste");
            assert_equals(status(paste_dt), STATUS_DISCONNECTED,
                          "paste_dt mustbe disconnected after paste");
          }, "after paste event status");
        }, 0);