<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="author" title="Joey Arhar" href="mailto:[email protected]">
<link rel="help" href="https://github.com/WICG/display-locking">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<div id=parentid>
<div id=hiddenid>
<div id=childid>hello</div>
<div id=spacer style="height:4000px">spacer</div>
test(() => {
window.location.hash = '';
hiddenid.hidden = 'until-found';
window.location.hash = '#hiddenid';
}, 'Verifies that fragment navigation reveals hidden=until-found elements.');
test(() => {
window.location.hash = '';
parentid.hidden = 'until-found';
hiddenid.hidden = 'until-found';
childid.hidden = 'until-found';
window.location.hash = 'childid';
assert_false(parentid.hasAttribute('hidden'), 'parentid should not have the hidden attribute.');
assert_false(hiddenid.hasAttribute('hidden'), 'hiddenid should not have the hidden attribute.');
assert_false(childid.hasAttribute('hidden'), 'childid should not have the hidden attribute.');
}, 'Verifies that fragment navigation reveals all parent hidden=until-found elements.');
test(() => {
window.location.hash = '';
hiddenid.hidden = 'until-found';
let beforematchFiredOnParent = false;
let beforematchFiredOnHidden = false;
let beforematchFiredOnChild = false;
parentid.onbeforematch = () => beforematchFiredOnParent = true;
hiddenid.onbeforematch = () => beforematchFiredOnHidden = true;
childid.onbeforematch = () => beforematchFiredOnChild = true;
window.location.hash = '#childid';
assert_true(beforematchFiredOnParent, 'beforematch should have been fired on parentid.');
assert_true(beforematchFiredOnHidden, 'beforematch should have been fired on hiddenid.');
assert_false(beforematchFiredOnChild, 'beforematch should not have been fired on childid.');
}, 'Verifies that the beforematch event is fired synchronously and bubbles after fragment navigation.');
test(t => {
window.location.hash = '';
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
assert_true(window.pageYOffset === 0, 'Scroll should reset at the beginning of the test.');
const target = document.createElement('div');
target.textContent = 'target';
target.id = 'target';
target.hidden = 'until-found';
const spacer = document.createElement('div');
spacer.style.height = '4000px';
t.add_cleanup(() => {
let beforematchCalled = false;
target.onbeforematch = () => {
assert_equals(window.pageYOffset, 0, 'scrolling should happen after beforematch is fired.');
beforematchCalled = true;
// Move the target down the page.
window.location.hash = '#target';
assert_true(beforematchCalled, 'The beforematch event should have been fired.');
const offsetAfterMatch = window.pageYOffset;
assert_not_equals(offsetAfterMatch, 0, 'Fragment navigation should have scrolled down the page to the target element.');
assert_equals(offsetAfterMatch, window.pageYOffset, `The scroll after beforematch should be the same as scrolling directly to the element's final destination.`);
}, 'Verifies that when a beforematch event handler moves a matching element, we scroll to its final location.');
test(t => {
window.location.hash = '';
const foo = document.createElement('div');
foo.textContent = 'foo';
foo.id = 'foo';
foo.hidden = 'until-found';
const bar = document.createElement('div');
bar.textContent = 'bar';
bar.id = 'bar';
bar.hidden = 'until-found';
t.add_cleanup(() => {
let beforematchFiredOnFoo = false;
foo.onbeforematch = () => beforematchFiredOnFoo = true;
let beforematchFiredOnBar = false;
bar.onbeforematch = () => beforematchFiredOnBar = true;
window.location.hash = '#bar';
assert_false(beforematchFiredOnFoo, 'foo was not navigated to, so it should not get the beforematch event.');
assert_true(beforematchFiredOnBar, 'bar was navigated to, so it should get the beforematch event.');
assert_true(window.pageYOffset > 0, 'the page should be scrolled down to bar.');
}, 'Verifies that the beforematch event is fired on the right element when there are multiple hidden=until-found elements.');
test(t => {
window.location.hash = '';
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
assert_true(window.pageYOffset === 0, 'Scroll should reset at the beginning of the test.');
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.textContent = 'detach';
div.id = 'detach';
div.hidden = 'until-found';
t.add_cleanup(() => div.remove());
let beforematchCalled = false;
div.onbeforematch = () => {
beforematchCalled = true;
window.location.hash = '#detach';
assert_true(beforematchCalled, 'beforematch should be called when window.location.hash is set to #detach.');
assert_true(window.pageYOffset === 0, 'The page should not be scrolled down to where #detach used to be.');
}, 'Verifies that no scrolling occurs when an element selected by the fragment identifier is detached by the beforematch event handler.');
test(t => {
window.location.hash = '';
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
assert_true(window.pageYOffset === 0, 'Scroll should reset at the beginning of the test.');
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.textContent = 'displaynone';
div.id = 'displaynone';
div.hidden = 'until-found';
t.add_cleanup(() => div.remove());
let beforematchCalled = false;
div.addEventListener('beforematch', () => {
div.style = 'display: none';
beforematchCalled = true;
window.location.hash = '#displaynone';
assert_true(beforematchCalled, 'beforematch should be called when window.location.hash is set to #displaynone.');
assert_true(window.pageYOffset === 0, 'The page should not be scrolled down to where #displaynone used to be.');
}, `No scrolling should occur when the beforematch event handler sets the target element's style to display: none.`);
test(t => {
window.location.hash = '';
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
assert_true(window.pageYOffset === 0, 'Scroll should reset at the beginning of the test.');
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.textContent = 'visibilityhidden';
div.id = 'visibilityhidden';
div.hidden = 'until-found';
t.add_cleanup(() => div.remove());
let beforematchCalled = false;
div.addEventListener('beforematch', () => {
div.style = 'visibility: hidden';
beforematchCalled = true;
window.location.hash = '#visibilityhidden';
assert_true(beforematchCalled, 'beforematch should be called when window.location.hash is set to #visibilityhidden.');
assert_true(window.pageYOffset !== 0, 'The page should be scrolled down to where #visibilityhidden is.');
}, `Scrolling should still occur when beforematch sets visiblity:hidden on the target element.`);
test(t => {
window.location.hash = '';
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.id = 'target';
div.textContent = 'target';
t.add_cleanup(() => div.remove());
div.addEventListener('beforematch', t.unreached_func('beforematch should not be fired without hidden=until-found.'));
window.location.hash = '#target';
}, 'Verifies that the beforematch event is not fired on elements without hidden=until-found.');