
// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// This file defines all of the flags.  It is separated into different section,
// for Debug, Release, Logging and Profiling, etc.  To add a new flag, find the
// correct section, and use one of the DEFINE_ macros, without a trailing ';'.
// This include does not have a guard, because it is a template-style include,
// which can be included multiple times in different modes.  It expects to have
// a mode defined before it's included.  The modes are FLAG_MODE_... below:

#define DEFINE_IMPLICATION(whenflag, thenflag) \
  DEFINE_VALUE_IMPLICATION(whenflag, thenflag, true)

// A weak implication will be overwritten by a normal implication or by an
// explicit flag.
#define DEFINE_WEAK_IMPLICATION(whenflag, thenflag) \
  DEFINE_WEAK_VALUE_IMPLICATION(whenflag, thenflag, true)

#define DEFINE_WEAK_NEG_IMPLICATION(whenflag, thenflag) \
  DEFINE_WEAK_VALUE_IMPLICATION(whenflag, thenflag, false)

#define DEFINE_NEG_IMPLICATION(whenflag, thenflag) \
  DEFINE_VALUE_IMPLICATION(whenflag, thenflag, false)

#define DEFINE_NEG_NEG_IMPLICATION(whenflag, thenflag) \
  DEFINE_NEG_VALUE_IMPLICATION(whenflag, thenflag, false)

// With FLAG_MODE_DECLARE we declare the fields in the {FlagValues} struct.
// Read-only flags are static constants instead of fields.
#if defined(FLAG_MODE_DECLARE)
#define FLAG_FULL(ftype, ctype, nam, def, cmt) FlagValue<ctype> nam{}
#define FLAG_READONLY(ftype, ctype, nam, def, cmt) \
  static constexpr FlagValue<ctype> nam{}

// We need to define all of our default values so that the Flag structure can
// access them by pointer.  These are just used internally inside of one .cc,
// for MODE_META, so there is no impact on the flags interface.
#define FLAG_FULL(ftype, ctype, nam, def, cmt) \
  static constexpr ctype FLAGDEFAULT_##nam{}
#define FLAG_READONLY(ftype, ctype, nam, def, cmt) \
  static constexpr ctype FLAGDEFAULT_##nam{}

// We want to write entries into our meta data table, for internal parsing and
// printing / etc in the flag parser code.
#elif defined(FLAG_MODE_META)
#define FLAG_FULL(ftype, ctype, nam, def, cmt) \
// Readonly flags don't pass the value pointer since the struct expects a
// mutable value. That's okay since the value always equals the default.
#define FLAG_READONLY(ftype, ctype, nam, def, cmt) \
#define FLAG_ALIAS(ftype, ctype, alias, nam)                       \

// We produce the code to set flags when it is implied by another flag.
#define DEFINE_VALUE_IMPLICATION(whenflag, thenflag, value)   \
  changed |= TriggerImplication(v8_flags.whenflag, #whenflag, \
                                &v8_flags.thenflag, #thenflag, value, false);

// A weak implication will be overwritten by a normal implication or by an
// explicit flag.
#define DEFINE_WEAK_VALUE_IMPLICATION(whenflag, thenflag, value) \
  changed |= TriggerImplication(v8_flags.whenflag, #whenflag,    \
                                &v8_flags.thenflag, #thenflag, value, true);

#define DEFINE_GENERIC_IMPLICATION(whenflag, statement) \
  if (v8_flags.whenflag) statement;

#define DEFINE_NEG_VALUE_IMPLICATION(whenflag, thenflag, value)    \
  changed |= TriggerImplication(!v8_flags.whenflag, "!" #whenflag, \
                                &v8_flags.thenflag, #thenflag, value, false);

#define DEFINE_NEG_VALUE_VALUE_IMPLICATION(whenflag, whenvalue, thenflag, \
                                           thenvalue)                     \
  changed |=                                                              \
      TriggerImplication(v8_flags.whenflag != whenvalue, #whenflag,       \
                         &v8_flags.thenflag, #thenflag, thenvalue, false);

#define DEFINE_MIN_VALUE_IMPLICATION(flag, min_value)             \
  changed |= TriggerImplication(v8_flags.flag < min_value, #flag, \
                                &v8_flags.flag, #flag, min_value, false);

#define DEFINE_DISABLE_FLAG_IMPLICATION(whenflag, thenflag) \
  if (v8_flags.whenflag && v8_flags.thenflag) {}

// We apply a generic macro to the flags.
#elif defined(FLAG_MODE_APPLY)


#error No mode supplied when including flags.defs

// Dummy defines for modes where it is not relevant.
#ifndef FLAG_FULL
#define FLAG_FULL(ftype, ctype, nam, def, cmt)

#define FLAG_READONLY(ftype, ctype, nam, def, cmt)

#ifndef FLAG_ALIAS
#define FLAG_ALIAS(ftype, ctype, alias, nam)

#define DEFINE_VALUE_IMPLICATION(whenflag, thenflag, value)

#define DEFINE_WEAK_VALUE_IMPLICATION(whenflag, thenflag, value)

#define DEFINE_GENERIC_IMPLICATION(whenflag, statement)

#define DEFINE_NEG_VALUE_IMPLICATION(whenflag, thenflag, value)
#define DEFINE_NEG_VALUE_VALUE_IMPLICATION(whenflag, whenvalue, thenflag, \

#define DEFINE_MIN_VALUE_IMPLICATION(flag, min_value)

#define DEFINE_DISABLE_FLAG_IMPLICATION(whenflag, thenflag)

#ifndef DEBUG_BOOL
#error DEBUG_BOOL must be defined at this point.
#endif  // DEBUG_BOOL


// Supported ARM configurations are:
//  "armv6":       ARMv6 + VFPv2
//  "armv7":       ARMv7 + VFPv3-D32 + NEON
//  "armv7+sudiv": ARMv7 + VFPv4-D32 + NEON + SUDIV
//  "armv8":       ARMv8 (including all of the above)
#if !defined(ARM_TEST_NO_FEATURE_PROBE) ||                            \
    (defined(CAN_USE_ARMV8_INSTRUCTIONS) &&                           \
     defined(CAN_USE_ARMV7_INSTRUCTIONS) && defined(CAN_USE_SUDIV) && \
     defined(CAN_USE_NEON) && defined(CAN_USE_VFP3_INSTRUCTIONS))
#define ARM_ARCH_DEFAULT "armv8"
#elif defined(CAN_USE_ARMV7_INSTRUCTIONS) && defined(CAN_USE_SUDIV) && \
    defined(CAN_USE_NEON) && defined(CAN_USE_VFP3_INSTRUCTIONS)
#define ARM_ARCH_DEFAULT "armv7+sudiv"
#elif defined(CAN_USE_ARMV7_INSTRUCTIONS) && defined(CAN_USE_NEON) && \
#define ARM_ARCH_DEFAULT "armv7"
#define ARM_ARCH_DEFAULT "armv6"

#ifdef V8_OS_WIN
#define ENABLE_LOG_COLOUR false
#define ENABLE_LOG_COLOUR true

#define DEFINE_BOOL(nam, def, cmt) FLAG(BOOL, bool, nam, def, cmt)
#define DEFINE_BOOL_READONLY(nam, def, cmt) \
  FLAG_READONLY(BOOL, bool, nam, def, cmt)
#define DEFINE_MAYBE_BOOL(nam, cmt) \
  FLAG(MAYBE_BOOL, std::optional<bool>, nam, std::nullopt, cmt)
#define DEFINE_INT(nam, def, cmt) FLAG(INT, int, nam, def, cmt)
#define DEFINE_UINT(nam, def, cmt) FLAG(UINT, unsigned int, nam, def, cmt)
#define DEFINE_UINT_READONLY(nam, def, cmt) \
  FLAG_READONLY(UINT, unsigned int, nam, def, cmt)
#define DEFINE_UINT64(nam, def, cmt) FLAG(UINT64, uint64_t, nam, def, cmt)
#define DEFINE_FLOAT(nam, def, cmt) FLAG(FLOAT, double, nam, def, cmt)
#define DEFINE_SIZE_T(nam, def, cmt) FLAG(SIZE_T, size_t, nam, def, cmt)
#define DEFINE_STRING(nam, def, cmt) FLAG(STRING, const char*, nam, def, cmt)
#define DEFINE_ALIAS_BOOL(alias, nam) FLAG_ALIAS(BOOL, bool, alias, nam)
#define DEFINE_ALIAS_INT(alias, nam) FLAG_ALIAS(INT, int, alias, nam)
#define DEFINE_ALIAS_FLOAT(alias, nam) FLAG_ALIAS(FLOAT, double, alias, nam)
#define DEFINE_ALIAS_SIZE_T(alias, nam) FLAG_ALIAS(SIZE_T, size_t, alias, nam)
#define DEFINE_ALIAS_STRING(alias, nam) \
  FLAG_ALIAS(STRING, const char*, alias, nam)

#ifdef DEBUG

// Flags in all modes.

// Experimental features.
// Features that are still considered experimental and which are not ready for
// fuzz testing should be defined using this macro. The feature will then imply
// --experimental, which will indicate to the user that they are running an
// experimental configuration of V8. Experimental features are always disabled
// by default. When these features mature, the flag should first turn into a
// regular feature flag (still disabled by default) and then ideally be staged
// behind (for example) --future before being enabled by default.