
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/scroll-to-text-fragment/stash.js"></script>

<!-- This test is navigated to with the fragment #bar:~:text=foo -->

  <div id=foo hidden=until-found>foo</div>
  <div id=bar hidden=until-found>bar</div>
    window.beforematchFiredOnFoo = false;
    foo.addEventListener('beforematch', () => {
      window.beforematchFiredOnFoo = true;

    window.beforematchFiredOnBar = false;
    bar.addEventListener('beforematch', () => {
      window.beforematchFiredOnBar = true;

    requestAnimationFrame(() => {
      requestAnimationFrame(() => {
        const results = {};
        // This should be true. Foo was searched for, so it should get the
        // beforematch event.
        results.beforematchFiredOnFoo = window.beforematchFiredOnFoo;
        // This should be false. Bar should not get the beforematch event
        // despite being the target of an element fragment due to the text
        // fragment.
        results.beforematchFiredOnBar = window.beforematchFiredOnBar;

        params = new URLSearchParams(;
        stashResultsThenClose(params.get('key'), results);