
<!doctype html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<link rel="help" href="">
<select id=a>
<!--Note whitespace is important-->

<select id=b>
  <option id=b1>1</option>
  <option name=b2>2</option>
  <option id=b3>3</option>
  <option id=b3>4</option>
  <option name=b4>5</option>
  <option name=b4>6</option>
  <option id=b5>7</option>
  <option name=b5>8</option>
  <option id=b6 name=b7>9</option>
  <option id=b6 name=b6>10</option>
  <option id=b8 name=b9>11</option>

var a;
var a_opts;
var a_original_innerHTML;
var b;
var b_opts;

setup(function() {
  a = document.getElementById("a");
  a_opts = a.options;
  a_original_innerHTML = a.innerHTML;
  a.innerHTML = a_original_innerHTML;
  b = document.getElementById("b");
  b_opts = b.options;
  b_original_innerHTML = b.innerHTML;
  b.innerHTML = b_original_innerHTML;

function assert_values_equals(coll, expected_values, message) {
  actual = [];
  for (var i=0; i<coll.length; i++) {
  assert_array_equals(actual, expected_values, message);

test(function() {
  assert_equals(5, a_opts.length);
}, "Original length");

test(function() {
  a.innerHTML = a_original_innerHTML;
  a_opts.value = "3";
  a_opts.length = 5;
  assert_equals(a_opts.length, 5);
  assert_equals(a_opts.value, "3");
}, "Setting length to original value has no effect");

test(function() {
  a.innerHTML = a_original_innerHTML;
  a.value = 3;
  a_opts.length = 3;
  assert_equals(3, a_opts.length, "Correct length");
  assert_values_equals(a_opts, ["1","2","3"], "Correct elements remain")
  assert_equals(a_opts.value, "3", "Correct value set");
  assert_equals(a.childNodes.length, 11, "Correct number of child nodes")
}, "Setting length to shorter value");

test(function() {
  a.innerHTML = a_original_innerHTML;
  a.value = 3;
  a_opts.length = 7;
  assert_equals(a_opts.length, 7, "Correct length");
  assert_values_equals(a_opts, ["1","2","3","4","5","",""], "Correct elements inserted")
  assert_equals(a.value, "3", "Correct value set");
  assert_equals(a.childNodes.length, 15, "Correct number of child nodes")
}, "Setting length to longer value");

test(function() {
  a.innerHTML = a_original_innerHTML;
  var newChild = document.createElement("p");
  var newOption = document.createElement("option");
  newOption.textContent = "6";
  a.value = 3;
  assert_equals(a_opts.length, 5, "Correct length");
  assert_values_equals(a_opts, ["1","2","3","4","5"], "Correct elements inserted")
  assert_equals(a.value, "3", "Correct value set");
}, "Insert <p><option>6</option></p> into <select>");

test(function() {
  a.innerHTML = a_original_innerHTML;
  var newChild = document.createElement("select");
  var newOption = document.createElement("option");
  newOption.textContent = "6";
  a.value = 3;
  assert_equals(a_opts.length, 5, "Correct length");
  assert_values_equals(a_opts, ["1","2","3","4","5"], "Correct elements inserted")
  assert_equals(a.value, "3", "Correct value set");
}, "Insert <select><option>6</option></select> into <select>");

test(function() {
  //This tests the spec but it is probably wrong here; see bug 12665
  a.innerHTML = a_original_innerHTML;
  var newChild = document.createElement("optgroup");
  var newOption = document.createElement("option");
  newOption.textContent = "6";
  a.value = 3;
  assert_equals(a_opts.length, 6, "Correct length");
  assert_values_equals(a_opts, ["1","2","3","4","5", "6"], "Correct elements inserted")
  assert_equals(a.value, "3", "Correct value set");
}, "Insert <optgroup><option>6</option></optgroup> into <select>");

test(function() {
  a.innerHTML = a_original_innerHTML;
  var newChild = document.createElement("optgroup");
  var newChild1 = document.createElement("optgroup");
  var newOption = document.createElement("option");
  newOption.textContent = "6";
  a.value = 3;
  assert_equals(a_opts.length, 5, "Correct length");
  assert_values_equals(a_opts, ["1","2","3","4","5"], "Correct elements inserted")
  assert_equals(a.value, "3", "Correct value set");
}, "Insert <optgroup><optgroup><option>6</option></optgroup></optgroup> into <select>");

test(function() {
  assert_equals(b_opts.namedItem("b1").value, "1");
}, "namedItem id attribute");

test(function() {
  assert_equals(b_opts.namedItem("b2").value, "2");
}, "namedItem name attribute");

test(function() {
  assert_equals(b_opts.namedItem("c"), null);
}, "namedItem doesn't match anything");

test(function() {
  assert_equals(b_opts.namedItem("b3").value, "3");
}, "namedItem multiple IDs");

test(function() {
  assert_equals(b_opts.namedItem("b4").value, "5");
}, "namedItem multiple names");

test(function() {
  assert_equals(b_opts.namedItem("b5").value, "7");
}, "namedItem multiple name and ID");

test(function() {
  assert_equals(b_opts.namedItem("b6").value, "9");
}, "namedItem multiple name and ID with multiple attributes");

test(function() {
  assert_equals(b_opts.namedItem("b8").value, "11");
}, "namedItem id attribute multiple attributes one element");

test(function() {
  assert_equals(b_opts.namedItem("b9").value, "11");
}, "namedItem name attribute multiple attributes one element");

test(function() {
  assert_true(b_opts[0] instanceof HTMLOptionElement);
  assert_equals(b_opts[0].innerHTML, "1");
},  "HTMLOptionsCollection [index] method return the item with index");

test(function() {
  assert_true(b_opts["b2"] instanceof HTMLOptionElement);
  assert_equals(b_opts["b2"].innerHTML, "2");
},  "HTMLOptionsCollection [name] method return the item with name");

test(function() {
  assert_true(b_opts.item(0) instanceof HTMLOptionElement);
  assert_equals(b_opts.item(0).innerHTML, "1");
},  "HTMLOptionsCollection.item(index) method return the item with index");

test(function() {
  assert_true(b_opts.item("b2") instanceof HTMLOptionElement);
  assert_equals(b_opts.item("b2").innerHTML, "1");
},  "HTMLOptionsCollection.item(name) method return the item with index 0");

test(function() {
  var b_opts_length = b_opts.length;
  b_opts.add(new Option("2", "2"));
  assert_equals(b_opts[b_opts_length].value, "2");
}, "HTMLOptionsCollection.add method insert HTMLOptionElement Option element");

test(function() {
  var b_opts_length = b_opts.length;
  assert_equals(b_opts.length, b_opts_length - 1);
}, "HTMLOptionsCollection.remove method remove Option element by index");

test(function() {
  var add = document.createElement("p");
  assert_throws_js(TypeError, function() {b_opts.add(add);});
}, "Add non-option to collection");

<div id=log></div>