<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Non-traditional about:srcdoc documents</title>
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promise_test(async t => {
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
const srcdocOpenPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
window.srcdocOpenResolve = resolve;
iframe.srcdoc = `
<body onload="document.open();window.parent.srcdocOpenResolve();"></body>`;
await srcdocOpenPromise;
assert_equals(iframe.contentDocument.URL, 'about:srcdoc');
// Calling the `about:srcdoc` Window's `fetch()` like this uses that Window's
// environment settings object as the request's client, which is where the
// request's referrer comes from, per
// https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-referrer-policy/#determine-requests-referrer.
// If this `document.open()`d srcdoc document is considered a proper
// `about:srcdoc` document, the referrer will not be `about:srcdoc`, but will
// instead come from the parent document.
let referrer = await iframe.contentWindow.fetch('resources/echo-referrer-text.py');
referrer = await referrer.text();
assert_equals(referrer, location.href,
'The request referrer is retrieved from the parent document for ' +
'about:srcdoc documents');
// Observe that the "about base URL" is retrieved [1] for `document.baseURI`
// as well, indicating that the document is treated like a normal srcdoc
// document.
// [1]: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#fallback-base-url
assert_equals(iframe.contentDocument.baseURI, location.href,
'The about base URL is retrieved as the base URL for srcdoc documents');
}, 'about:srcdoc with document.open() is treated like a normal about:srcdoc document');
promise_test(async t => {
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
const javascriptURLPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
window.javascriptURLResolve = resolve;
iframe.srcdoc = `
location.href = "javascript:'<body onload=window.parent.javascriptURLResolve();>Document contents here</body>'";
// This promise will resolve as a result of script running in the *new*
// document that gets created by the `javascript:` URL.
await javascriptURLPromise;
assert_equals(iframe.contentDocument.URL, 'about:srcdoc');
// See the first assertion in the first test in this file.
let referrer = await iframe.contentWindow.fetch('resources/echo-referrer-text.py');
referrer = await referrer.text();
assert_equals(referrer, location.href,
'The request referrer is retrieved from the parent document for ' +
'about:srcdoc documents');
// See the second assertion in the first test in this file.
assert_equals(iframe.contentDocument.baseURI, location.href,
'The about base URL is retrieved as the base URL for srcdoc documents');
}, 'about:srcdoc navigated via a `javascript:` URL is treated like a normal about:srcdoc document');
promise_test(async t => {
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
const srcdocLoadPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
iframe.onload = resolve;
iframe.srcdoc = `Document contents here`;
await srcdocLoadPromise;
assert_equals(iframe.contentDocument.URL, 'about:srcdoc');
// Change the document's URL to `about:srcdoc#foo` and ensure that the
// observable behavior in that document is consistent with treating it as a
// normal `about:srcdoc` document.
iframe.contentWindow.history.replaceState(null, '', 'about:srcdoc#foo');
assert_equals(iframe.contentDocument.URL, 'about:srcdoc#foo');
// See the first assertion in the first test in this file.
let referrer = await iframe.contentWindow.fetch('resources/echo-referrer-text.py');
referrer = await referrer.text();
assert_equals(referrer, location.href,
'The request referrer is retrieved from the parent document for ' +
'about:srcdoc documents');
// See the second assertion in the first test in this file.
assert_equals(iframe.contentDocument.baseURI, location.href,
'The about base URL is retrieved as the base URL for srcdoc documents');
}, 'about:srcdoc with URL changed by history.replaceState() is treated like ' +
'a normal about:srcdoc document');