
// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <optional>

#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/handles/maybe-handles.h"
#include "src/objects/heap-object.h"
#include "src/objects/instance-type.h"
#include "src/objects/maybe-object.h"
#include "src/objects/objects.h"
#include "src/objects/smi.h"
#include "src/objects/tagged.h"
#include "src/objects/trusted-object.h"
#include "src/roots/roots.h"
#include "src/utils/memcopy.h"

// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"

namespace v8::internal {

#include "torque-generated/src/objects/"

// Derived: must have a Smi slot at kCapacityOffset.
template <class Derived, class ShapeT, class Super = HeapObject>
class TaggedArrayBase : public Super {};

class TaggedArrayShape final : public AllStatic {};

// FixedArray describes fixed-sized arrays with element type Object.
class FixedArray : public TaggedArrayBase<FixedArray, TaggedArrayShape> {};

class TrustedArrayShape final : public AllStatic {};

// A FixedArray in trusted space and with a unique instance type.
// Note: while the array itself is trusted, it contains tagged pointers into
// the main pointer compression heap and therefore to _untrusted_ objects.
// If you are storing references to other trusted object (i.e. protected
// pointers), use ProtectedFixedArray.
class TrustedFixedArray
    : public TaggedArrayBase<TrustedFixedArray, TrustedArrayShape,
                             TrustedObject> {};

class ProtectedArrayShape final : public AllStatic {};

// A FixedArray in trusted space, holding protected pointers (to other trusted
// objects). If you want to store JS-heap references, use TrustedFixedArray.
// ProtectedFixedArray has a unique instance type.
class ProtectedFixedArray
    : public TaggedArrayBase<ProtectedFixedArray, ProtectedArrayShape,
                             TrustedObject> {};

// FixedArray alias added only because of IsFixedArrayExact() predicate, which
// checks for the exact instance type FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE instead of a range
class FixedArrayExact final : public FixedArray {};

// Common superclass for FixedArrays that allow implementations to share common
// accessors and some code paths. Note that due to single-inheritance
// restrictions, it is not part of the actual type hierarchy. Instead, we slot
// it in with manual is_subtype specializations in tagged.h.
// TODO(jgruber): This class is really specific to FixedArrays used as
// elements backing stores and should not be part of the common FixedArray
// hierarchy.
class FixedArrayBase : public HeapObject {};

// Derived: must have a Smi slot at kCapacityOffset.
template <class Derived, class ShapeT, class Super = HeapObject>
class PrimitiveArrayBase : public Super {};

class FixedDoubleArrayShape final : public AllStatic {};

// FixedDoubleArray describes fixed-sized arrays with element type double.
class FixedDoubleArray
    : public PrimitiveArrayBase<FixedDoubleArray, FixedDoubleArrayShape> {};

class WeakFixedArrayShape final : public AllStatic {};

// WeakFixedArray describes fixed-sized arrays with element type
// Tagged<MaybeObject>.
class WeakFixedArray
    : public TaggedArrayBase<WeakFixedArray, WeakFixedArrayShape> {};

class TrustedWeakFixedArrayShape final : public AllStatic {};

// A WeakFixedArray in trusted space and with a unique instance type.
class TrustedWeakFixedArray
    : public TaggedArrayBase<TrustedWeakFixedArray,
                             TrustedWeakFixedArrayShape> {};

// WeakArrayList is like a WeakFixedArray with static convenience methods for
// adding more elements. length() returns the number of elements in the list and
// capacity() returns the allocated size. The number of elements is stored at
// kLengthOffset and is updated with every insertion. The array grows
// dynamically with O(1) amortized insertion.
class WeakArrayList
    : public TorqueGeneratedWeakArrayList<WeakArrayList, HeapObject> {};

class WeakArrayList::Iterator {};

class ArrayListShape final : public AllStatic {};

// A generic array that grows dynamically with O(1) amortized insertion.
class ArrayList : public TaggedArrayBase<ArrayList, ArrayListShape> {};

enum SearchMode {};

template <SearchMode search_mode, typename T>
inline int Search(T* array, Tagged<Name> name, int valid_entries = 0,
                  int* out_insertion_index = nullptr,
                  bool concurrent_search = false);

class ByteArrayShape final : public AllStatic {};

// ByteArray represents fixed sized arrays containing raw bytes that will not
// be scanned by the garbage collector.
class ByteArray : public PrimitiveArrayBase<ByteArray, ByteArrayShape> {};

class TrustedByteArrayShape final : public AllStatic {};

// A ByteArray in trusted space.
class TrustedByteArray
    : public PrimitiveArrayBase<TrustedByteArray, TrustedByteArrayShape,
                                TrustedObject> {};

// Convenience class for treating a ByteArray / TrustedByteArray as array of
// fixed-size integers.
template <typename T, typename Base>
class FixedIntegerArrayBase : public Base {};


// Use with care! Raw addresses on the heap are not safe in combination with
// the sandbox. However, this can for example be used to store sandboxed
// pointers, which is safe.
template <typename Base>
class FixedAddressArrayBase : public FixedIntegerArrayBase<Address, Base> {};


template <class T, class Super>
class PodArrayBase : public Super {};

// Wrapper class for ByteArray which can store arbitrary C++ classes, as long
// as they can be copied with memcpy.
template <class T>
class PodArray : public PodArrayBase<T, ByteArray> {};

template <class T>
class TrustedPodArray : public PodArrayBase<T, TrustedByteArray> {};

}  // namespace v8::internal

#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"