
// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <optional>

#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/handles/handles.h"
#include "src/objects/embedder-data-slot.h"
// TODO(jkummerow): Consider forward-declaring instead.
#include "src/objects/internal-index.h"
#include "src/objects/objects.h"
#include "src/objects/property-array.h"

// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"

namespace v8::internal {

// Enum for functions that offer a second mode that does not cause allocations.
// Used in conjunction with LookupIterator and unboxed double fields.
enum class AllocationPolicy {};

enum InstanceType : uint16_t;
class JSGlobalObject;
class JSGlobalProxy;
class LookupIterator;
class PropertyDescriptor;
class PropertyKey;
class NativeContext;
class IsCompiledScope;
class SwissNameDictionary;
class ElementsAccessor;
class Undefined;
class Null;

#include "torque-generated/src/objects/"

// JSReceiver includes types on which properties can be defined, i.e.,
// JSObject and JSProxy.
class JSReceiver : public TorqueGeneratedJSReceiver<JSReceiver, HeapObject> {};

// The JSObject describes real heap allocated JavaScript objects with
// properties.
// Note that the map of JSObject changes during execution to enable inline
// caching.
class JSObject : public TorqueGeneratedJSObject<JSObject, JSReceiver> {};

// A JSObject created through the public api which wraps an external pointer.
// See v8::External.
class JSExternalObject
    : public TorqueGeneratedJSExternalObject<JSExternalObject, JSObject> {};

// An abstract superclass for JSObjects that may contain EmbedderDataSlots.
class JSObjectWithEmbedderSlots
    : public TorqueGeneratedJSObjectWithEmbedderSlots<JSObjectWithEmbedderSlots,
                                                      JSObject> {};

// An abstract superclass for JSObjects that may contain EmbedderDataSlots and
// are used as API wrapper objects.
class JSAPIObjectWithEmbedderSlots
    : public TorqueGeneratedJSAPIObjectWithEmbedderSlots<
          JSAPIObjectWithEmbedderSlots, JSObject> {};

// An abstract superclass for JSObjects that may have elements while having an
// empty fixed array as elements backing store. It doesn't carry any
// functionality but allows function classes to be identified in the type
// system.
class JSCustomElementsObject
    : public TorqueGeneratedJSCustomElementsObject<JSCustomElementsObject,
                                                   JSObject> {};

// An abstract superclass for JSObjects that require non-standard element
// access. It doesn't carry any functionality but allows function classes to be
// identified in the type system.
// These may also contain EmbedderDataSlots, but can't currently inherit from
// JSAPIObjectWithEmbedderSlots due to instance_type constraints.
class JSSpecialObject
    : public TorqueGeneratedJSSpecialObject<JSSpecialObject,
                                            JSCustomElementsObject> {};

// Helper union that doesn't actually exist as type. Use by value.
class JSApiWrapper {};

// JSAccessorPropertyDescriptor is just a JSObject with a specific initial
// map. This initial map adds in-object properties for "get", "set",
// "enumerable" and "configurable" properties, as assigned by the
// FromPropertyDescriptor function for regular accessor properties.
class JSAccessorPropertyDescriptor : public JSObject {};

// JSDataPropertyDescriptor is just a JSObject with a specific initial map.
// This initial map adds in-object properties for "value", "writable",
// "enumerable" and "configurable" properties, as assigned by the
// FromPropertyDescriptor function for regular data properties.
class JSDataPropertyDescriptor : public JSObject {};

// JSIteratorResult is just a JSObject with a specific initial map.
// This initial map adds in-object properties for "done" and "value",
// as specified by ES6 section The IteratorResult Interface.
class JSIteratorResult : public JSObject {};

// JSGlobalProxy's prototype must be a JSGlobalObject or null,
// and the prototype is hidden. JSGlobalProxy always delegates
// property accesses to its prototype if the prototype is not null.
// A JSGlobalProxy can be reinitialized which will preserve its identity.
// Accessing a JSGlobalProxy requires security check.

class JSGlobalProxy
    : public TorqueGeneratedJSGlobalProxy<JSGlobalProxy, JSSpecialObject> {};

// JavaScript global object.
class JSGlobalObject
    : public TorqueGeneratedJSGlobalObject<JSGlobalObject, JSSpecialObject> {};

// Representation for JS Wrapper objects, String, Number, Boolean, etc.
class JSPrimitiveWrapper
    : public TorqueGeneratedJSPrimitiveWrapper<JSPrimitiveWrapper,
                                               JSCustomElementsObject> {};

class DateCache;

// Representation for JS date objects.
class JSDate : public TorqueGeneratedJSDate<JSDate, JSObject> {};

// Representation of message objects used for error reporting through
// the API. The messages are formatted in JavaScript so this object is
// a real JavaScript object. The information used for formatting the
// error messages are not directly accessible from JavaScript to
// prevent leaking information to user code called during error
// formatting.
class JSMessageObject
    : public TorqueGeneratedJSMessageObject<JSMessageObject, JSObject> {};

// The [Async-from-Sync Iterator] object
// (proposal-async-iteration/#sec-async-from-sync-iterator-objects)
// An object which wraps an ordinary Iterator and converts it to behave
// according to the Async Iterator protocol.
// (See
class JSAsyncFromSyncIterator
    : public TorqueGeneratedJSAsyncFromSyncIterator<JSAsyncFromSyncIterator,
                                                    JSObject> {};

class JSStringIterator
    : public TorqueGeneratedJSStringIterator<JSStringIterator, JSObject> {};

// The valid iterator wrapper is the wrapper object created by
// Iterator.from(obj), which attempts to wrap iterator-like objects into an
// actual iterator with %Iterator.prototype%.
class JSValidIteratorWrapper
    : public TorqueGeneratedJSValidIteratorWrapper<JSValidIteratorWrapper,
                                                   JSObject> {};

// JSPromiseWithResolversResult is just a JSObject with a specific initial map.
// This initial map adds in-object properties for "promise", "resolve", and
// "reject", in that order.
class JSPromiseWithResolversResult : public JSObject {};

}  // namespace v8::internal

#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"