
// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#ifndef V8_OBJECTS_CODE_H_
#define V8_OBJECTS_CODE_H_

#include "src/codegen/maglev-safepoint-table.h"
#include "src/objects/code-kind.h"
#include "src/objects/struct.h"
#include "src/objects/trusted-object.h"

// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

class BytecodeArray;
class CodeDesc;
class CodeWrapper;
class Factory;
template <typename Impl>
class FactoryBase;
class LocalFactory;
class SafepointEntry;
class RootVisitor;

enum class Builtin;

// Code is a container for data fields related to its associated
// {InstructionStream} object. Since {InstructionStream} objects reside on
// write-protected pages within the heap, its header fields need to be
// immutable.  Every InstructionStream object has an associated Code object,
// but not every Code object has an InstructionStream (e.g. for builtins).
// Embedded builtins consist of on-heap Code objects, with an out-of-line body
// section. Accessors (e.g. InstructionStart), redirect to the off-heap area.
// Metadata table offsets remain relative to MetadataStart(), i.e. they point
// into the off-heap metadata section. The off-heap layout is described in
// detail in the EmbeddedData class, but at a high level one can assume a
// dedicated, out-of-line, instruction and metadata section for each embedded
// builtin:
//  +--------------------------+  <-- InstructionStart()
//  |   off-heap instructions  |
//  |           ...            |
//  +--------------------------+  <-- InstructionEnd()
//  +--------------------------+  <-- MetadataStart() (MS)
//  |    off-heap metadata     |
//  |           ...            |  <-- MS + handler_table_offset()
//  |                          |  <-- MS + constant_pool_offset()
//  |                          |  <-- MS + code_comments_offset()
//  |                          |  <-- MS + unwinding_info_offset()
//  +--------------------------+  <-- MetadataEnd()
// When the sandbox is enabled, Code objects are allocated outside the sandbox
// and referenced through indirect pointers, so they need to inherit from
// ExposedTrustedObject.
class Code : public ExposedTrustedObject {};

// A Code object when used in situations where gc might be in progress. The
// underlying pointer is guaranteed to be a Code object.
// Semantics around Code and InstructionStream objects are quite delicate when
// GC is in progress and objects are currently being moved, because the
// tightly-coupled object pair {Code,InstructionStream} are conceptually
// treated as a single object in our codebase, and we frequently convert
// between the two. However, during GC, extra care must be taken when accessing
// the `Code::instruction_stream` and `InstructionStream::code` slots because
// they may contain forwarding pointers.
// This class a) clarifies at use sites that we're dealing with a Code object
// in a situation that requires special semantics, and b) safely implements
// related functions.
// Note that both the underlying Code object and the associated
// InstructionStream may be forwarding pointers, thus type checks and normal
// (checked) casts do not work on GcSafeCode.
class GcSafeCode : public HeapObject {};

// A CodeWrapper wraps a Code but lives inside the sandbox. This can be useful
// for example when a reference to a Code needs to be stored along other tagged
// pointers inside an array or similar container datastructure.
class CodeWrapper : public Struct {};

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8

#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"

#endif  // V8_OBJECTS_CODE_H_