
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <span>THIS TEXT SHOULD BE UPPER-CASE.</span><br />

  <input type="text" value="this text should be lower-case."><br />

    <option>this text should be lower-case.</option>
  </select><br />
  <select multiple>
    <option>this text should be lower-case.</option>
  </select><br />
  <select multiple>
    <optgroup label="this text should be lower-case.">
      <option>this text should be lower-case.</option>
  </select><br />

    <option>THIS TEXT SHOULD BE UPPER-CASE.</option>
  </select><br />
  <select multiple>
    <option>THIS TEXT SHOULD BE UPPER-CASE.</option>
  </select><br />
  <select multiple>
    <optgroup label="THIS TEXT SHOULD BE UPPER-CASE.">
      <option>THIS TEXT SHOULD BE UPPER-CASE.</option>
  </select><br />

  <button>this text should be lower-case.</button><br />

  <textarea>this text should be lower-case.</textarea><br />