
<!doctype html>
<title>Image width and height attributes are used to infer aspect-ratio</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/aspect-ratio.js"></script>
  img {
    width: 100%;
    max-width: 100px;
    height: auto;
<img src="/images/green.png">
<img src="/images/green.png" width=100 height=125>
<img src="" width=100 height=125>
<img src="error.png" width=100 height=125>
<img src="error.png">
<img src="error.png" alt="Alt text" width=100 height=500>
let guard = async_test("Image width and height attributes are used to infer aspect-ratio");
let cookie = Math.random();
function assert_ratio(img, expected, description) {
  let epsilon = 0.001;
  assert_approx_equals(parseFloat(getComputedStyle(img).width, 10) / parseFloat(getComputedStyle(img).height, 10),
                       expected, epsilon, description);

function test_computed_style(width, height, expected) {
  test_computed_style_aspect_ratio("img", {width: width, height: height}, expected);
  test_computed_style_aspect_ratio("input", {type: "image", width: width, height: height}, expected);
  // input type=submit should not do this mapping.
  test_computed_style_aspect_ratio("input", {type: "submit", width: width, height: height}, "auto");

// Create and append a new image and immediately check the ratio.
// We append a random query to the URL(s) to avoid matching something in the 'list
// of available images' (step 6 of the algorithm below) and thus have the actual
// load run in a microtask.
test(function() {
  // This img will be tested again after loaded. In order to locate it correctly, body should append it first.
  var img = new Image();
  img.width = 250;
  img.height = 100;
  img.src = "/images/blue.png?" + cookie;
  assert_ratio(img, 2.5);
}, "Create, append and test immediately: <img> with attributes width=250, height=100");

test(function () {
  img = new Image();
  img.setAttribute("width", "0.8");
  img.setAttribute("height", "0.2");
  img.src = "/images/blue.png?" + (cookie + 1);
  assert_ratio(img, 4);
}, "Create, append and test immediately: <img> with attributes width=0.8, height=0.2");

test(function () {
  img = new Image();
  img.setAttribute("width", "50%");
  img.setAttribute("height", "25%");
  img.src = "/images/blue.png?" + (cookie + 2);
  // Percentages should be  ignored.
  assert_equals(getComputedStyle(img).height, "0px");
}, "Create, append and test immediately: <img> with attributes width=50% height=25%");

test(function () {
  img = new Image();
  img.setAttribute("width", "50pp");
  img.setAttribute("height", "25xx");
  img.src = "/images/blue.png?" + (cookie + 3);
  assert_ratio(img, 2);
}, "Create, append and test immediately: <img> with invalid trailing attributes width=50pp height=25xx");

test_computed_style("10", "20", "auto 10 / 20");
test_computed_style("0", "1", "auto 0 / 1");
test_computed_style("1", "0", "auto 1 / 0");
test_computed_style("0", "0", "auto 0 / 0");
test_computed_style("0.5", "1.5", "auto 0.5 / 1.5");
test_computed_style(null, null, "auto");
test_computed_style("10", null, "auto");
test_computed_style(null, "20", "auto");
test_computed_style("xx", "20", "auto");
test_computed_style("10%", "20", "auto");

onload = function() {
  let images = document.querySelectorAll("img");
  // Tests for images finished loading.
  test(function() {
    assert_ratio(images[0], 2.0, "2.0 is the original aspect ratio of green.png");
  }, "Loaded images test: <img> without width height attributes");

  test(function() {
    assert_ratio(images[1], 2.0, "Loaded image's aspect ratio, at least by default, overrides width / height ratio.");
  }, "Loaded images test: <img> with width and height attributes, but conflicting to the original aspect ratio");

  test(function () {
    assert_ratio(images[2], 100 / 125, "aspect-ratio should override intrinsic size of images that don't have any src.");
  }, "Loaded images test: <img> with width, height and empty src attributes");

  test(function () {
    assert_ratio(images[3], 100 / 125, "aspect-ratio should affect the size of error images.");
  }, "Loaded images test: Error image with width and height attributes");

  test(function () {
    assert_not_equals(images[5].offsetHeight, 500, "Images with alt text should be inline and ignore the aspect ratio");
    // Though aspect-ratio is ignored, its value does not change.
    assert_equals(getComputedStyle(images[5]).aspectRatio, "auto 100 / 500");
  }, "Loaded images test: Error image with width, height and alt attributes");

  test(function () {
    assert_ratio(images[6], 133 / 106, "The original aspect ratio of blue.png");
  }, "Loaded images test: <img> with width and height attributes, but not equal to the original aspect ratio");
