
// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.  Use of
// this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#error This header should only be included if WebAssembly is enabled.


#include <memory>
#include <optional>

#include "src/base/bit-field.h"
#include "src/debug/interface-types.h"
#include "src/heap/heap.h"
#include "src/objects/backing-store.h"
#include "src/objects/casting.h"
#include "src/objects/foreign.h"
#include "src/objects/js-function.h"
#include "src/objects/js-objects.h"
#include "src/objects/objects-body-descriptors.h"
#include "src/objects/objects.h"
#include "src/objects/struct.h"
#include "src/objects/trusted-object.h"
#include "src/wasm/module-instantiate.h"
#include "src/wasm/stacks.h"
#include "src/wasm/struct-types.h"
#include "src/wasm/value-type.h"

// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards)
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace wasm {
class NativeModule;
class WasmCode;
struct WasmFunction;
struct WasmGlobal;
struct WasmModule;
struct WasmTag;
class WasmValue;
class WireBytesRef;
}  // namespace wasm

class BreakPoint;
class JSArrayBuffer;
class SeqOneByteString;
class StructBodyDescriptor;
class WasmCapiFunction;
class WasmExceptionTag;
class WasmExportedFunction;
class WasmExternalFunction;
class WasmTrustedInstanceData;
class WasmJSFunction;
class WasmModuleObject;

enum class SharedFlag : uint8_t;

enum class WasmTableFlag : uint8_t {};
enum class IsAWrapper : uint8_t {};

template <typename CppType>
class Managed;
template <typename CppType>
class TrustedManaged;

#include "torque-generated/src/wasm/"


class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE FunctionTargetAndImplicitArg {};

namespace wasm {
enum class OnResume : int {};
}  // namespace wasm

// A helper for an entry for an imported function, indexed statically.
// The underlying storage in the instance is used by generated code to
// call imported functions at runtime.
// Each entry is either:
//   - Wasm to JS, which has fields
//      - object = a WasmImportData
//      - target = entrypoint to import wrapper code
//   - Wasm to Wasm, which has fields
//      - object = target instance data
//      - target = entrypoint for the function
class ImportedFunctionEntry {};

enum InternalizeString : bool {};

// Representation of a WebAssembly.Module JavaScript-level object.
class WasmModuleObject
    : public TorqueGeneratedWasmModuleObject<WasmModuleObject, JSObject> {};

// This should be checked before writing an untrusted function reference
// into a dispatch table (e.g. via WasmTableObject::Set).
bool FunctionSigMatchesTable(uint32_t canonical_sig_id,
                             const wasm::WasmModule* module, int table_index);

// Representation of a WebAssembly.Table JavaScript-level object.
class WasmTableObject
    : public TorqueGeneratedWasmTableObject<WasmTableObject, JSObject> {};

// Representation of a WebAssembly.Memory JavaScript-level object.
class WasmMemoryObject
    : public TorqueGeneratedWasmMemoryObject<WasmMemoryObject, JSObject> {};

// Representation of a WebAssembly.Global JavaScript-level object.
class WasmGlobalObject
    : public TorqueGeneratedWasmGlobalObject<WasmGlobalObject, JSObject> {};

// The trusted part of a WebAssembly instance.
// This object lives in trusted space and is never modified from user space.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE WasmTrustedInstanceData : public ExposedTrustedObject {};

// Representation of a WebAssembly.Instance JavaScript-level object.
// This is mostly a wrapper around the WasmTrustedInstanceData, plus any
// user-set properties.
class WasmInstanceObject
    : public TorqueGeneratedWasmInstanceObject<WasmInstanceObject, JSObject> {};

// Representation of WebAssembly.Exception JavaScript-level object.
class WasmTagObject
    : public TorqueGeneratedWasmTagObject<WasmTagObject, JSObject> {};

// Off-heap data object owned by a WasmDispatchTable. Currently used for
// tracking referenced WasmToJS wrappers (shared per process), so we can
// decrement their refcounts when the WasmDispatchTable is freed.
class WasmDispatchTableData {};

// The dispatch table is referenced from a WasmTableObject and from every
// WasmTrustedInstanceData which uses the table. It is used from generated code
// for executing indirect calls.
class WasmDispatchTable : public TrustedObject {};

// A Wasm exception that has been thrown out of Wasm code.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE WasmExceptionPackage : public JSObject {};

EncodeI32ExceptionValue(DirectHandle<FixedArray> encoded_values,
                        uint32_t* encoded_index, uint32_t value);

EncodeI64ExceptionValue(DirectHandle<FixedArray> encoded_values,
                        uint32_t* encoded_index, uint64_t value);

DecodeI32ExceptionValue(DirectHandle<FixedArray> encoded_values,
                        uint32_t* encoded_index, uint32_t* value);

DecodeI64ExceptionValue(DirectHandle<FixedArray> encoded_values,
                        uint32_t* encoded_index, uint64_t* value);

bool UseGenericWasmToJSWrapper(wasm::ImportCallKind kind,
                               const wasm::FunctionSig* sig,
                               wasm::Suspend suspend);

// A Wasm function that is wrapped and exported to JavaScript.
// Representation of WebAssembly.Function JavaScript-level object.
class WasmExportedFunction : public JSFunction {};

// A Wasm function that was created by wrapping a JavaScript callable.
// Representation of WebAssembly.Function JavaScript-level object.
class WasmJSFunction : public JSFunction {};

// An external function exposed to Wasm via the C/C++ API.
class WasmCapiFunction : public JSFunction {};

// Any external function that can be imported/exported in modules. This abstract
// class just dispatches to the following concrete classes:
//  - {WasmExportedFunction}: A proper Wasm function exported from a module.
//  - {WasmJSFunction}: A function constructed via WebAssembly.Function in JS.
//  - {WasmCapiFunction}: A function constructed via the C/C++ API.
class WasmExternalFunction : public JSFunction {};

class WasmFunctionData
    : public TorqueGeneratedWasmFunctionData<WasmFunctionData,
                                             ExposedTrustedObject> {};

// Information for a WasmExportedFunction which is referenced as the function
// data of the SharedFunctionInfo underlying the function. For details please
// see the {SharedFunctionInfo::HasWasmExportedFunctionData} predicate.
class WasmExportedFunctionData
    : public TorqueGeneratedWasmExportedFunctionData<WasmExportedFunctionData,
                                                     WasmFunctionData> {};

class WasmImportData
    : public TorqueGeneratedWasmImportData<WasmImportData, TrustedObject> {};

class WasmInternalFunction
    : public TorqueGeneratedWasmInternalFunction<WasmInternalFunction,
                                                 ExposedTrustedObject> {};

class WasmFuncRef : public TorqueGeneratedWasmFuncRef<WasmFuncRef, HeapObject> {};

// Information for a WasmJSFunction which is referenced as the function data of
// the SharedFunctionInfo underlying the function. For details please see the
// {SharedFunctionInfo::HasWasmJSFunctionData} predicate.
class WasmJSFunctionData
    : public TorqueGeneratedWasmJSFunctionData<WasmJSFunctionData,
                                               WasmFunctionData> {};

class WasmCapiFunctionData
    : public TorqueGeneratedWasmCapiFunctionData<WasmCapiFunctionData,
                                                 WasmFunctionData> {};

class WasmResumeData
    : public TorqueGeneratedWasmResumeData<WasmResumeData, HeapObject> {};

class WasmScript : public AllStatic {};

// Tags provide an object identity for each exception defined in a wasm module
// header. They are referenced by the following fields:
//  - {WasmTagObject::tag}: The tag of the {Tag} object.
//  - {WasmInstanceObject::tags_table}: List of tags used by an instance.
class WasmExceptionTag
    : public TorqueGeneratedWasmExceptionTag<WasmExceptionTag, Struct> {};

// Data annotated to the asm.js Module function. Used for later instantiation of
// that function.
class AsmWasmData : public TorqueGeneratedAsmWasmData<AsmWasmData, Struct> {};

class WasmTypeInfo
    : public TorqueGeneratedWasmTypeInfo<WasmTypeInfo, HeapObject> {};

class WasmObject : public TorqueGeneratedWasmObject<WasmObject, JSReceiver> {};

class WasmStruct : public TorqueGeneratedWasmStruct<WasmStruct, WasmObject> {};

int WasmStruct::Size(const wasm::StructType* type) {}

class WasmArray : public TorqueGeneratedWasmArray<WasmArray, WasmObject> {};

// A wasm delimited continuation.
class WasmContinuationObject
    : public TorqueGeneratedWasmContinuationObject<WasmContinuationObject,
                                                   HeapObject> {};

// The suspender object provides an API to suspend and resume wasm code using
// promises. See:
class WasmSuspenderObject
    : public TorqueGeneratedWasmSuspenderObject<WasmSuspenderObject,
                                                HeapObject> {};

class WasmSuspendingObject
    : public TorqueGeneratedWasmSuspendingObject<WasmSuspendingObject,
                                                 JSObject> {};

class WasmNull : public TorqueGeneratedWasmNull<WasmNull, HeapObject> {};


Handle<Map> CreateFuncRefMap(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Map> opt_rtt_parent);

namespace wasm {
// Takes a {value} in the JS representation and typechecks it according to
// {expected}. If the typecheck succeeds, returns the wasm representation of the
// object; otherwise, returns the empty handle.
MaybeHandle<Object> JSToWasmObject(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> value,
                                   ValueType expected, uint32_t canonical_index,
                                   const char** error_message);

// Utility which canonicalizes {expected} in addition.
MaybeHandle<Object> JSToWasmObject(Isolate* isolate, const WasmModule* module,
                                   Handle<Object> value, ValueType expected,
                                   const char** error_message);

// Takes a {value} in the Wasm representation and transforms it to the
// respective JS representation. The caller is responsible for not providing an
// object which cannot be transformed to JS.
Handle<Object> WasmToJSObject(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> value);
}  // namespace wasm
}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8

#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"

#endif  // V8_WASM_WASM_OBJECTS_H_