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<title>Test `size` attribute behavior</title>
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<input id="missing">
<input id="invalid" size="-1">
<input id="size0" size="0">
<input id="size1" size="1">
<input id="size10" size="10">
<input id="size20" size="20">
<input id="size21" size="21">
<input id="computed" style="border:none; padding:0;" size="19">
<input id="computedNone" style="display:none" size="17">

test(() => {
  assert_equals(missing.offsetWidth, size20.offsetWidth);
}, 'A misssing attribute is equivalent to size=20');

test(() => {
  assert_equals(invalid.offsetWidth, size20.offsetWidth, 'size="-1"');
  assert_equals(size0.offsetWidth, size20.offsetWidth, 'size="0"');
}, 'An invalid attribute value is equivalent to size=20');

test(() => {
  assert_less_than(size1.offsetWidth, size10.offsetWidth, '1 < 10');
  assert_less_than(size10.offsetWidth, size20.offsetWidth, '10 < 20');
  assert_less_than(size20.offsetWidth, size21.offsetWidth, '20 < 21');
}, 'The width depends on a size attribute');

test(() => {
  const computedString = getComputedStyle(computed).width;
      Math.round(computedString.substring(0, computedString.length - 2)));
}, 'Size attribute value affects layout-dependent computed style');

test(() => {
  const computedString = getComputedStyle(computedNone).width;
  assert_equals(computedString, 'auto');
}, 'Size attribute value is not a presentational hint');