
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Audio Test: audio_volume_check</title>
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    <meta name="assert" content="Check that audio.volume returns the value of the muted content attribute" />
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    <audio id="m">The user agent doesn't support media element.</audio>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var media = document.getElementById("m");
        var VOLUME = {
            'SILENT'  :  0.0,
            'NORMAL'  :  0.5,
            'LOUDEST' :  1.0,
            'LOWER'   : -1.1,
            'UPPER'   :  1.1,

        test(function() {
            assert_false(media.volume < VOLUME.SILENT || media.volume > VOLUME.LOUDEST, "media.volume outside the range 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive");
        }, "Check if the intial value of the audio.volume is in the range 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive");

        function volume_setting(vol, name)
            if (vol < VOLUME.SILENT || vol > VOLUME.LOUDEST) {
                try {
                    media.volume = vol;
                    test(function() {
                        assert_true(false, "media.volume setting exception");
                    }, name);
                } catch(e) {
                    test(function() {
                        // 1 should be e.IndexSizeError or e.INDEX_SIZE_ERR in previous spec
                        assert_equals(e.code, 1, "media.volume setting exception");
                    }, name);
            } else {
                media.volume = vol;
                test(function() {
                    assert_equals(media.volume, vol, "media.volume new value");
                }, name);

        volume_setting(VOLUME.NORMAL,  "Check if audio.volume is able to set to new value in the range 0.0 to 1.0");
        volume_setting(VOLUME.SILENT,  "Check if media.volume is able to set to new value 0.0 as silent");
        volume_setting(VOLUME.LOUDEST, "Check if media.volume is able to set to new value 1.0 as loudest");
        volume_setting(VOLUME.LOWER,   "Check if media.volume is set to new value less than 0.0 that expecting an IndexSizeError exception is to be thrown");
        volume_setting(VOLUME.UPPER,   "Check if audio.volume is set to new value greater than 1.0 that expecting an IndexSizeError exception is to be thrown");