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<title>Check processing of allow attribute in nested browsing context</title>
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  // This returns a data URL (cross-origin with the containing document) which
  // advances a counter, and reports the counter value together with the
  // document's fullscreenEnabled state, every time it receives a postMessage.
  // Fullscreen itself is not important for this test, but the flag is a useful
  // indicator of whether a policy-controlled-feature is allowed or denied.
  function getSourceForCrossOriginPage(initial_count) {
    var page_contents = "<html><body><script>var count="+initial_count+";window.addEventListener('message',function(){parent.postMessage({'count':count++,'fullscreenEnabled':document.fullscreenEnabled},'*');});</scr"+"ipt></body></html>";
    return "data:text/html;base64,"+btoa(page_contents);

  async_test(function(t) {
    var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
    iframe.src = getSourceForCrossOriginPage(0);

    iframe.addEventListener('load', function() {
      // Request the fullscreenEnabled state whenever the frame loads

    window.addEventListener('message', this.step_func(function(msg) {
      if ( == 0) {
        assert_false(, "Document inside cross-origin iframe without allow attribute should not have feature enabled");
        iframe.setAttribute("allow", "fullscreen");
        iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(true,"*"); // Request state again
      } else if ( == 1) {
        assert_false(, "Feature should be denied when correct allow attribute is added, before reload");
        iframe.src = getSourceForCrossOriginPage(2); // Reload the frame
      } else if ( == 2) {
        assert_true(, "Feature should be allowed when correct allow attribute is added, after reload");
        iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(true,"*"); // Request state again
      } else if ( == 3) {
        assert_true(, "Feature should be allowed when allow attribute is removed, before reload");
        iframe.src = getSourceForCrossOriginPage(4); // Reload the frame
      } else if ( == 4) {
        assert_false(, "Feature should be denied when allow attribute is removed, after reload");
        iframe.setAttribute("allow", "payment");  // Set allow to an unrelated feature
        iframe.src = getSourceForCrossOriginPage(5); // Reload the frame
      } else if ( == 5) {
        assert_false(, "Feature should be denied with incorrect allow attribute");
        iframe.setAttribute("allow", "payment;fullscreen");  // Include fullscreen again
        iframe.src = getSourceForCrossOriginPage(6); // Reload the frame
      } else if ( == 6) {
        assert_true(, "Feature should be allowed with complex allow attribute");
      } else {

  }, "iframe-cross-origin-allow");
