<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
// Check about:blank navigation is asynchronous, even if the initial navigation
// is canceled.
promise_test(async test => {
// Wait for document.body to exist, before appending the <iframe>.
await new Promise(resolve => window.onload = resolve);
// The initial navigation in this new iframe will result in a 204 No Content.
// As a result the navigation will be canceled. The <iframe> will stay on the
// initial empty document.
const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.src = "/common/blank.html?pipe=status(204)"
// The navigation in the iframe will be canceled. There are no good ways to
// detect when it will happen. Anyway, any additional navigation must be
// asynchronous. To test what happens when there are no pending navigation,
// waiting one second should be enough, most of the time.
await new Promise(resolve => test.step_timeout(resolve, 1000));
let load_event_fired = false;
const load_event_promise = new Promise(resolve => {
iframe.onload = () => {
load_event_fired = true;
iframe.src = "about:blank";
assert_equals(load_event_fired, false,
"about:blank must not commit synchronously");
await load_event_promise;
}, "about:blank navigation is asynchronous, even if the initial one is " +