
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>HTML Test: iframe_sandbox_allow_scripts</title>
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  // Set up all our script stuff before the iframe starts loading, so we don't
  // miss any messages from it.
  var step1 = false;
  var t = async_test("iframe_sandbox_allow_scripts");

  window.addEventListener("message", callback1, false);

  function run() {
    window.removeEventListener("message", callback1, false);
    document.getElementById("testIframe").sandbox = "allow-scripts";
    window.addEventListener("message", callback2, false);

  function callback1(e) {
    step1= !step1;

  function callback2(e) {
    t.step(function () {
      assert_false(step1, "[allow-scripts] is not set.");
      assert_equals(, "Script executed", "[allow-scripts] is set.");

  // Make sure the iframe loads before we mess with it.
  window.addEventListener("load", function() {
    // The load event might fire before a message from the child comes in...
    // Wait a bit to see if that message does come in.
    setTimeout(run, 500);
<iframe id="testIframe" src="support/sandbox_allow_script.html" sandbox="allow-same-origin" style="display:none"></iframe>