iframe { width: 400px; height: 300px;}
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
setup({explicit_timeout: true});
async_test(function(t) {
window.addEventListener("message", t.step_func_done(function(e) {
assert_equals(e.data, "BLOCKED", "The message should say 'BLOCKED'.");
}, "The sandboxed iframe should post a message saying the top navigation was blocked when no user gesture.");
<p>This tests that an iframe in sandbox with 'allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation'
can navigate the top level page, if it is trigged by a user gesture.</p>
<p>Click on the button in the iframe and it should navigate the top page.</p>
<iframe id="i" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation" src="support/iframe-that-performs-top-navigation.html"></iframe>