Content-Security-Policy: sandbox allow-scripts
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
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// Sandbox flags are inherited from a document toward every frame it creates,
// which then is inherited to every new document created in this frame.
// Using the flag 'allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox' inhibits this inheritance
// mechanism when the new frame is a popup.
// Sandbox flags can also be set via CSP. CSP are inherited from a document
// toward every other documents its creates that are loading with a local scheme.
// In particular, this includes:
// - The initial empty document
// - The first about:blank navigation. See (note)
// - Any about:blank navigation.
// Both mechanism are at play here.
// Note: As of 2021, Chrome handles the very first navigation to about:blank in
// a frame synchronously instead of asynchronously. This is the only navigation
// behaving this way. As a result, inheritance of sandbox is different and needs
// to be tested separately.
// See also:
// https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KY0DCaoKjUPbOX28N9KWvBjbnAfQEIRTaLbZUq9EkK8
test(test => {
assert_equals(window.origin, 'null');
}, "Document is sandboxed via its CSP.");
promise_test(async test => {
// The navigation will be canceled (204 no content). As a result, the
// document in the popup must still be the initial empty document.
const w = window.open("/common/blank.html?pipe=status(204)");
// The initial empty document is sandboxed, because it inherited CSP from
// its opener. However this is impossible to verify. There are cross-origin
// access restrictions and an about:blank document can't do much on its own.
// We try to identify that the document is sandboxed by accessing a
// cross-origin restricted API.
"SecurityError", () => { w.origin },
"Access before timeout throws");
// Test after a 500ms timeout, delay after which we expect asynchronous
// navigations to be canceled.
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 500) );
// The about:blank must still be sandboxed.
"SecurityError", () => { w.origin },
"Access after timeout throws");
}, "The initial empty document inherit sandbox via CSP.");
// Regression test for https://crbug.com/1190065
promise_test(async test => {
const w = window.open("about:blank");
// The about:blank document is sandboxed, because it inherited CSP from its
// opener. However this is impossible to verify. There are cross-origin
// access restrictions and an about:blank document can't do much on its own.
// We try to identify that the document is sandboxed by accessing a
// cross-origin restricted API.
"SecurityError", () => { w.origin },
"Access before timeout throws");
// Test after a 500ms timeout, delay after which we expect asynchronous
// about:blank navigation to be completed.
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 500) );
// The about:blank must still be sandboxed.
"SecurityError", () => { w.origin },
"Access after timeout throws");
}, "The synchronous re-navigation to about:blank inherits sandbox via CSP");
async_test(test => {
window.addEventListener("message", test.step_func_done(e => {
assert_equals(e.data.origin, (new URL(location)).origin,
"popup is not sandboxed");
}, "Popup do not inherit sandbox, because of 'allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox'" +
" the document doesn't inherit CSP. The document isn't sandboxed")