<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Navigation should not occur when `src` matches the location of a anscestor browsing context</title>
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if (parent !== window && parent.title == window.title) {
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
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* This test uses the `beforeunload` event to detect navigation. Because that
* event is fired synchronously in response to "process the iframe attributes",
* a second "control" iframe may be used to verify cases where navigation
* should *not* occur. `Promise.race` ensures that tests complete as soon as
* possible.
* Although the specification dictates that the `beforeunload` event must be
* emitted synchronously during navigation, a number of user agents do not
* adhere to this requirement. WPT includes a dedicated test for synchronous
* emission of the event [1]. This test is authored to support non-standard
* behavior in order to avoid spuriously passing in those UAs.
* [1] https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/pull/12343
'use strict';
function when(target, eventName) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
target.addEventListener(eventName, function() {
}, { once: true });
target.addEventListener('error', function() {
reject(new Error('Error while waiting for ' + eventName));
}, { once: true });
function init(doc, t) {
var iframes = [doc.createElement('iframe'), doc.createElement('iframe')];
iframes.forEach(function(iframe) {
iframe.src = '/common/blank.html';
t.add_cleanup(function() {
return Promise.all([when(iframes[0], 'load'), when(iframes[1], 'load')])
.then(function() { return iframes; });
// This test verifies that navigation does occur; it is intended to validate
// the utility functions.
promise_test(function(t) {
return init(document, t)
.then(function(iframes) {
var subjectNavigation = when(iframes[0].contentWindow, 'beforeunload');
var controlNavigation = when(iframes[1].contentWindow, 'beforeunload');
iframes[0].src = '/common/blank.html?2';
iframes[1].src = '/common/blank.html?3';
return Promise.all([subjectNavigation, controlNavigation]);
}, 'different path name');
promise_test(function(t) {
return init(document, t)
.then(function(iframes) {
var subjectNavigation = when(iframes[0].contentWindow, 'beforeunload');
var controlNavigation = when(iframes[1].contentWindow, 'beforeunload');
iframes[0].src = location.href;
iframes[1].src = '/common/blank.html?4';
return Promise.race([
subjectNavigation.then(function() {
assert_unreached('Should not navigate');
}, 'same path name, no document fragment');
promise_test(function(t) {
return init(document, t)
.then(function(iframes) {
var subjectNavigation = when(iframes[0].contentWindow, 'beforeunload');
var controlNavigation = when(iframes[1].contentWindow, 'beforeunload');
iframes[0].src = location.href + '#something-else';
iframes[1].src = '/common/blank.html?5';
return Promise.race([
subjectNavigation.then(function() {
assert_unreached('Should not navigate');
}, 'same path name, different document fragment');
promise_test(function(t) {
var intermediate = document.createElement('iframe');
t.add_cleanup(function() {
return init(intermediate.contentDocument, t)
.then(function(iframes) {
var subjectNavigation = when(iframes[0].contentWindow, 'beforeunload');
var controlNavigation = when(iframes[1].contentWindow, 'beforeunload');
iframes[0].src = location.href;
iframes[1].src = '/common/blank.html?6';
return Promise.race([
subjectNavigation.then(function() {
assert_unreached('Should not navigate');
}, 'same path name, no document fragement (intermediary browsing context)');