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<title>List of available images does not coalesce in-flight requests</title>
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const uuid = "{{uuid()}}";
const path = location.origin + '/html/semantics/embedded-content/the-img-element/resources/';

promise_test(async t => {
  let first_image_promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const img = new Image();
    img.onload = resolve;
    img.onerror = e => { reject(new Error("The img should not fail to load")) };
    img.src = path + `?increment=${uuid}&pipe=trickle(d1)`;

  // As of right now, the spec's #updating-the-image-data step 6 [1] does not
  // place images into the "list of available images" until they are completely
  // downloaded and the `load` event is fired. The spec also explicitly states
  // that coalescing in-flight image requests is not what the list of available
  // images is for. This test asserts this behavior, though since no browsers
  // follow this behavior (they all allow coalescing in-flight requests for the
  // same image resource) we've started discussion about this in
  // If that issue resolves in
  // letting in-flight requests into the list of available images, then we
  // should changes the expectations of this test.
  // [1]:
  let second_image_promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const img = new Image();
    img.onload = resolve;
    img.onerror = e => { reject("The img should not fail to load") };
    img.src = path + `?increment=${uuid}&pipe=trickle(d1)`;

  await Promise.all([first_image_promise, second_image_promise]);
  const response = await fetch(path + `?read=${uuid}`);
  const request_count = await response.text();

  assert_equals(request_count, "2", "The server should have seen exactly two " +
                                    "requests, since the second image request " +
                                    "above did not coalesce with the first " +
                                    "in-flight one");
}, 'list of available images does not coalesce in-flight requests');