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<title>The constraint validation API Test: element.willValidate</title>
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  var testElements = [
    //input in hidden, button and reset status must be barred from the constraint validation
      tag: "input",
      types: ["hidden", "button", "reset"],
      testData: [{conditions: {}, expected: false, name: "[target] Must be barred from the constraint validation"}]
    //button in button and reset status must be barred from the constraint validation
      tag: "button",
      types: ["button", "reset"],
      testData: [{conditions: {}, expected: false, name: "[target] Must be barred from the constraint validation"}]
    // FIELDSET and OUTPUT elements are not "submittable elements" and therefore never validate.
      tag: "fieldset",
      types: [],
      testData: [{conditions: {}, expected: false, name: "[target] The willValidate attribute must be false since FIELDSET is not a submittable element"}]
      tag: "output",
      types: [],
      testData: [{conditions: {}, expected: false, name: "[target] The willValidate attribute must be false since OUTPUT is not a submittable element"}]
    //OBJECT, KEYGEN, elements must be barred from the constraint validation
      tag: "object",
      types: [],
      testData: [{conditions: {}, expected: false, name: "[target] Must be barred from the constraint validation"}]
    //If an element is disabled, it is barred from constraint validation.
    //The willValidate attribute must be true if an element is mutable
    //If the readonly attribute is specified on an INPUT element, the element is barred from constraint validation.
      tag: "input",
      types: ["text", "search", "tel", "url", "email", "password", "datetime-local", "date", "month", "week", "time"],
      testData: [
        {conditions: {disabled: true}, expected: false, name: "[target] Must be barred from the constraint validation if it is disabled"},
        {conditions: {disabled: false, readOnly: false}, expected: true, name: "[target] The willValidate attribute must be true if an element is mutable"},
        {conditions: {readOnly: true}, expected: false, name: "[target] Must be barred from the constraint validation if it is readonly"},
        {conditions: {disabled: false, readOnly: false}, expected: false, name: "[target] The willValidate attribute must be false if it has a datalist ancestor", ancestor: "datalist"},
    //In the following cases, the readonly attribute does not apply, however we should still bar the element from constraint validation.
      tag: "input",
      types: ["color", "file", "submit"],
      testData: [
        {conditions: {disabled: true}, expected: false, name: "[target] Must be barred from the constraint validation if it is disabled"},
        {conditions: {disabled: false, readOnly: false}, expected: true, name: "[target] The willValidate attribute must be true if an element is mutable"},
        {conditions: {readOnly: true}, expected: false, name: "[target] Must be barred from the constraint validation if it is readonly"},
        {conditions: {disabled: false, readOnly: false}, expected: false, name: "[target] The willValidate attribute must be false if it has a datalist ancestor", ancestor: "datalist"},
      tag: "button",
      types: ["submit"],
      testData: [
        {conditions: {disabled: true}, expected: false, name: "[target] Must be barred from the constraint validation"},
        {conditions: {disabled: false}, expected: true, name: "[target] The willValidate attribute must be true if an element is mutable"},
        {conditions: {disabled: false}, expected: false, name: "[target] The willValidate attribute must be false if it has a datalist ancestor", ancestor: "datalist"}
      tag: "select",
      types: [],
      testData: [
        {conditions: {disabled: true}, expected: false, name: "[target] Must be barred from the constraint validation"},
        {conditions: {disabled: false}, expected: true, name: "[target] The willValidate attribute must be true if an element is mutable"},
        {conditions: {disabled: false}, expected: false, name: "[target] The willValidate attribute must be false if it has a datalist ancestor", ancestor: "datalist"}
      tag: "textarea",
      types: [],
      testData: [,
        {conditions: {disabled: true}, expected: false, name: "[target] Must be barred from the constraint validation"},
        {conditions: {disabled: false}, expected: true, name: "[target] The willValidate attribute must be true if an element is mutable"},
        {conditions: {disabled: false}, expected: false, name: "[target] The willValidate attribute must be false if it has a datalist ancestor", ancestor: "datalist"}

  validator.run_test(testElements, "willValidate");