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<meta name="assert" content="Assigning to defaultValue does not modify text a user has already typed in.">

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  email with leading whitespace: <input id=emailinput type=email>
  number with trailing incomplete exponent: <input id=numberinput type=number>

promise_test(async () => {
  await test_driver.send_keys(emailinput, '  user');
  assert_false(emailinput.validity.valid, '"  user" should not be a valid value for type=email.');

  emailinput.defaultValue = emailinput.value;
  assert_false(emailinput.validity.valid, 'Assigning to defaultValue should not affect input.validity.');
}, 'Visible value and validity should not be affected when assigning to the defaultValue property for type=email.');

promise_test(async () => {
  await test_driver.send_keys(numberinput, '123e');
  assert_false(numberinput.validity.valid, '"123e" should not be a valid value for type=number.');

  numberinput.defaultValue = numberinput.value;
  assert_false(numberinput.validity.valid, 'Assigning to defaultValue should not affect input.validity.');
}, 'Visible value and validity should not be affected when assigning to the defaultValue property for type=number.');