<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>HTML Test: The label element</title>
<link rel="author" title="Intel" href="http://www.intel.com/">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
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<div id="log"></div>
<form id="fm" style="display:none">
<label id="lbl0" for="test0"></label>
<b id="test0"></b>
<input id="test1"></input>
<label id="lbl1">
<a id="test2"></a>
<div><input id="test3"></div>
<input id="test4">
<label id="lbl2" for="testx">
<input id="test5">
<label id="lbl3" for="test6">
<b id="test6"></b>
<input id="test6" class="class1">
<label id="lbl4" for="">
<input id="" class="class2">
<label id="lbl5" for="test7"></label>
<input id="test7">
<label id="lbl7">
<label id="lbl8">
<div id="div1">
<input id="test8">
<div id="div2"></div>
<label id="lbl9">
<label id="lbl10" for="test10">
<div id="div3">
<input id="test9">
<div id="div4"><input id="test10"></div>
<label id="lbl11">
<object id="obj">
<input id="test11">
<input id="test12">
<label id="lbl12" for="test12"><div id="div5"></div></label>
<label id="lbl13">
<p id="p1">
<input id="test13">
<div id="div6">
<div id="div7">
<label id="lbl14">
<label id="lbl15" for="test15">
<input id="test14">
<input id="test15">
<label id="lbl6" for="test7"></label>
<div id="content" style="display: none">
//control attribute
test(function () {
assert_not_equals(document.getElementById("lbl0").control, document.getElementById("test0"),
"An element that's not a labelable element can't be a label element's labeled control.");
assert_equals(document.getElementById("lbl0").control, null,
"A label element whose 'for' attribute doesn't reference any labelable element shouldn't have any labeled control.");
}, "A label element with a 'for' attribute should only be associated with a labelable element.");
test(function () {
var label = document.createElement("label");
label.htmlFor = "test1";
assert_not_equals(label.control, document.getElementById("test1"),
"A label element not in a document should not label an element in a document.");
assert_equals(label.control, document.getElementById("test1"));
}, "A label element not in a document can not label any element in the document.");
test(function () {
var labels = document.getElementById("test3").labels;
assert_equals(document.getElementById("lbl1").control, document.getElementById("test3"),
"The first labelable descendant of a label element should be its labeled control.");
var input = document.createElement("input");
document.getElementById("lbl1").insertBefore(input, document.getElementById("test2"));
assert_equals(document.getElementById("lbl1").control, input,
"The first labelable descendant of a label element in tree order should be its labeled control.");
assert_equals(input.labels.length, 1,
"The form control has an ancestor with no explicit associated label, and is the first labelable descendant.");
assert_equals(labels.length, 0,
"The number of labels should be 0 if it's not the first labelable descendant of a label element.");
}, "The labeled control for a label element that has no 'for' attribute is the first labelable element which is a descendant of that label element.");
test(function () {
assert_equals(document.getElementById("lbl2").control, null,
"The label's 'control' property should return null if its 'for' attribute points to an inexistent element.");
}, "The 'for' attribute points to an inexistent id.");
test(function () {
assert_equals(document.getElementById("lbl3").control, null, "The label should have no control associated.");
assert_equals(document.querySelector(".class1").labels.length, 0);
}, "A non-control follows by a control with same ID.");
test(function () {
assert_equals(document.getElementById("lbl4").control, null,
"A label element with an empty 'for' attribute should not associate with anything.");
}, "The 'for' attribute is an empty string.");
//labels attribute
test(function () {
var labels = document.getElementById("test7").labels;
assert_true(labels instanceof NodeList,
"A form control's 'labels' property should be an instance of a NodeList.");
assert_equals(labels.length, 2,
"The number of labels associated with a form control should be the number of label elements for which it is a labeled control.");
assert_array_equals(labels, [document.getElementById("lbl5"), document.getElementById("lbl6")],
"The labels for a form control should be returned in tree order.");
var newLabel = document.createElement("label");
newLabel.htmlFor = "test7";
document.getElementById("fm").insertBefore(newLabel, document.getElementById("lbl0"));
assert_array_equals(document.getElementById("test7").labels, [newLabel, document.getElementById("lbl5"), document.getElementById("lbl6")],
"The labels for a form control should be returned in tree order.");
}, "A form control has multiple labels.");
test(function () {
var labels = document.getElementById("test8").labels;
assert_true(labels instanceof NodeList,
"A form control's 'labels' property should be an instance of a NodeList.");
assert_equals(labels.length, 2,
"The form control has two ancestors with no explicit associated label, and is the first labelable descendant.");
assert_array_equals(labels, [document.getElementById("lbl7"), document.getElementById("lbl8")],
"The labels for a form control should be returned in tree order.");
document.getElementById('div2').insertBefore(document.getElementById('div1'), document.getElementById('div2').firstChild);
assert_equals(labels.length, 0,
"The number of labels should be 0 after the labelable element is moved to outside of nested associated labels.");
}, "A labelable element is moved to outside of nested associated labels.");
test(function () {
var labels1 = document.getElementById("test9").labels;
var labels2 = document.getElementById("test10").labels;
assert_true(labels1 instanceof NodeList,
"A form control's 'labels' property should be an instance of a NodeList.");
assert_true(labels2 instanceof NodeList,
"A form control's 'labels' property should be an instance of a NodeList.");
assert_equals(labels1.length, 1,
"The form control has an ancestor with no explicit associated label, and is the first labelable descendant.");
assert_equals(labels2.length, 1,
"The number of labels associated with a form control should be the number of label elements for which it is a labeled control.");
assert_array_equals(labels1, [document.getElementById("lbl9")],
"The labels for a form control should be returned in tree order.");
assert_array_equals(labels2, [document.getElementById("lbl10")],
"The labels for a form control should be returned in tree order.");
document.getElementById('div3').insertBefore(document.getElementById('div4'), document.getElementById('div3').firstChild);
assert_equals(labels1.length, 0,
"The number of labels should be 0 if it's not the first labelable descendant of a label element.");
assert_equals(labels2.length, 2,
"The form control has an ancestor with an explicit associated label, and is the first labelable descendant.");
}, "A labelable element is moved to inside of nested associated labels.");
test(function () {
var labels1 = document.getElementById("test11").labels;
var labels2 = document.getElementById("test12").labels;
assert_true(labels1 instanceof NodeList,
"A form control's 'labels' property should be an instance of a NodeList.");
assert_true(labels2 instanceof NodeList,
"A form control's 'labels' property should be an instance of a NodeList.");
assert_equals(labels1.length, 1,
"The form control has an ancestor with no explicit associated label, and it is the first labelable descendant.");
assert_equals(labels2.length, 1,
"The number of labels should be 1 since there is a label with a 'for' attribute associated with this labelable element.");
assert_array_equals(labels1, [document.getElementById("lbl11")],
"The labels for a form control should be returned in tree order.");
assert_array_equals(labels2, [document.getElementById("lbl12")],
"The labels for a form control should be returned in tree order.");
assert_equals(labels1.length, 0,
"The number of labels should be 0 after the labelable element is moved to outside of associated label.");
assert_equals(labels2.length, 1,
"The number of labels should be 1 after the labelable element is moved to outside of associated label.");
}, "A labelable element which is a descendant of non-labelable element is moved to outside of associated label.");
async_test(function () {
var labels = document.getElementById("test13").labels;
assert_true(labels instanceof NodeList,
"A form control's 'labels' property should be an instance of a NodeList.");
assert_equals(labels.length, 1,
"The form control has an ancestor with no explicit associated label, and is the first labelable descendant.");
assert_array_equals(labels, [document.getElementById("lbl13")],
"The labels for a form control should be returned in tree order.");
let iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.onload = this.step_func_done(() => {
assert_equals(labels.length, 2,
"The number of labels should be 2 after the labelable element is moved to iframe.");
iframe.setAttribute('src', 'http://{{domains[]}}:{{ports[http][0]}}/html/semantics/forms/the-label-element/iframe-label-attributes.html');
}, "A labelable element is moved to iframe.");
test(function () {
var test14 = document.getElementById("test14");
var labels1 = test14.labels;
var labels2 = document.getElementById("test15").labels;
assert_true(labels1 instanceof NodeList,
"A form control's 'labels' property should be an instance of a NodeList.");
assert_equals(labels1.length, 1,
"The form control has an ancestor with no explicit associated label, and is the first labelable descendant.");
assert_equals(labels2.length, 1,
"The number of labels associated with a form control should be the number of label elements for which it is a labeled control.");
assert_array_equals(labels1, [document.getElementById("lbl14")],
"The labels for a form control should be returned in tree order.");
assert_array_equals(labels2, [document.getElementById("lbl15")],
"The labels for a form control should be returned in tree order.");
assert_equals(labels1.length, 1,
"The number of labels should be 1 after the labelable element is removed but label element is still in the same tree.");
assert_equals(labels2.length, 0,
"The number of labels should be 0 since there is no label with a 'for' attribute associated with this labelable element.");
assert_equals(labels1.length, 0,
"The number of labels should be 0 after the labelable element is removed.");
}, "A div element which contains labelable element is removed.");
test(function () {
// <label><input id="test16"><label for="test16"></label></label>
var label1 = document.createElement('label');
label1.innerHTML = "<input id='test16'>";
var label2 = document.createElement('label');
label2.htmlFor = "test16";
var input = label1.firstChild;
var labels = input.labels;
assert_equals(labels.length, 2,
"The number of labels associated with a form control should be the number of label elements for which it is a labeled control.");
assert_true(labels instanceof NodeList,
"A form control's 'labels' property should be an instance of a NodeList.");
assert_equals(label1.control, input, "The first labelable descendant of a label element should be its labeled control.");
assert_equals(label2.control, input, "The labeled cotrol should be associated with the control whose ID is equal to the value of the 'for' attribute.");
}, "A labelable element not in a document can label element in the same tree.");
test(function () {
var root1 = document.getElementById('content').attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
assert_true(root1 instanceof DocumentFragment,
"ShadowRoot should be an instance of DocumentFragment.");
// <label><input id="shadow1"/></label><div id="div1"></div>
var label1 = document.createElement('label');
var input1 = document.createElement('input');
input1.setAttribute("id", "shadow1");
var div1 = document.createElement('div');
// <label for="shadow2"></label><input id="shadow2"/>
var root2 = div1.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
assert_true(root2 instanceof DocumentFragment,
"ShadowRoot should be an instance of DocumentFragment.");
var label2 = document.createElement('label');
label2.setAttribute("for", "shadow2");
var input2 = document.createElement('input');
input2.setAttribute("id", "shadow2");
assert_equals(root1.getElementById("shadow1").labels.length, 1,
"The form control has an ancestor with no explicit associated label, and it is the first labelable descendant.");
assert_equals(root2.getElementById("shadow2").labels.length, 1,
"The number of labels should be 1 since there is a label with a 'for' attribute associated with this labelable element.");
}, "A labelable element inside the shadow DOM.");
test(function () {
var labels = document.getElementById("test3").labels;
assert_true(labels instanceof NodeList, "A form control's 'labels' property should be an instance of a NodeList.");
assert_equals(labels.length, 1, "The form control has an ancestor with no explicit associated label, and is the first labelable descendant.");
}, "A form control has an implicit label.");
test(function () {
var labels = document.getElementById("test4").labels;
assert_true(labels instanceof NodeList, "A form control's 'labels' property should be an instance of a NodeList.");
assert_equals(labels.length, 0, "The form control has an ancestor with no explicit associated label, but is *not* the first labelable descendant");
}, "A form control has no label 1.");
test(function () {
assert_equals(document.getElementById("test5").labels.length, 0,
"The number of labels should be 0 if the form control has an ancestor label element that the for attribute points to another control.");
assert_equals(document.getElementById("lbl2").control, null,
"The labeled cotrol should be associated with the control whose ID is equal to the value of the 'for' attribute.");
}, "A form control has no label 2.");
// form attribute
test(function () {
assert_equals(document.getElementById("lbl0").form, null,
"The 'form' property for a label should return null if label.control is null.");
}, "A label in a form without a control");
test(function () {
assert_equals(document.getElementById("lbl6").form, document.getElementById("fm"),
"The 'form' property for a label should return label.control.form.");
}, "A label outside a form with a control inside the form");
// htmlFor attribute
test(function () {
assert_equals(document.getElementById("lbl2").htmlFor, "testx");
}, "A label's htmlFor attribute must reflect the for content attribute");