
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTMLSelectListElement Test: events</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver-actions.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver-vendor.js"></script>

<selectlist id="selectList0">
  <div slot="button" behavior="button">
    <span behavior="selected-value"></span>
    <button id="selectList0-button">selectList0-button</button>

<selectlist id="selectList1">
    <button id="selectList1-button">selectList1-button</button>

<selectlist id="selectList2">

<selectlist id="selectList3">

<selectlist id="selectList4">
  <option id="selectList4-option2">two</option>

<selectlist id="selectList5WithTabIndex" tabindex="1">

<input id="input6"/>
<selectlist id="selectList7">
  <button slot="button" behavior="button" id="selectList7-button">


  function clickOn(element) {
    const actions = new test_driver.Actions();
    return actions.pointerMove(0, 0, {origin: element})
      .pointerDown({button: actions.ButtonType.LEFT})
      .pointerUp({button: actions.ButtonType.LEFT})

  promise_test(async () => {
    const selectList = document.getElementById("selectList0");
    const selectListButton = document.getElementById("selectList0-button");
    const selectListButtonPromise = new Promise(async resolve => {
      selectListButton.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
        assert_false(, "Listbox shouldn't have opened yet");
        // PreventDefaulting the event here should prevent UA controller code
        // on the button part from opening the listbox.

    const selectListPromise = new Promise(async resolve => {
      selectList.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
        assert_true(e.defaultPrevented, "Event should have been defaultPrevented by selectListButton click handler");
        assert_false(, "Listbox shouldn't have opened, because click event was defaultPrevented.");

    await clickOn(selectListButton);
    return Promise.all([selectListButtonPromise, selectListPromise]);
  }, "Button controller code should not run if the click event is preventDefaulted.");

  // See
  const KEY_CODE_MAP = {
    'Tab':        '\uE004',
    'Enter':      '\uE007',
    'Space':      '\uE00D',
    'ArrowUp':    '\uE013',
    'ArrowDown':  '\uE015',

  promise_test(async () => {
    const selectList = document.getElementById("selectList1");
    const selectListButton = document.getElementById("selectList1-button");
    await clickOn(selectList);
    const selectListButtonPromise = new Promise(async resolve => {
      selectListButton.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
        assert_true(, "Listbox shouldn't have closed yet");
        // PreventDefaulting the event here should prevent UA controller code
        // on the listbox part from selecting the option and closing the listbox.

    const selectListPromise = new Promise(async resolve => {
      selectList.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
        assert_true(e.defaultPrevented, "Event should have been defaultPrevented by selectListButton click handler");
        assert_true(, "Listbox shouldn't have closed, because keydown event was defaultPrevented.");
        assert_equals(selectList.value, "one", "<selectlist> shouldn't have changed value, because keydown event was defaultPrevented.");

    await clickOn(selectListButton);
    return Promise.all([selectListButtonPromise, selectListPromise]);
  }, "Listbox controller code should not run if the click event is preventDefaulted.");

  promise_test(async () => {
    const selectList = document.getElementById("selectList2");
    const events = [];

    selectList.addEventListener("input", (e) => {
      assert_true(e.composed, "input event should be composed.");
    selectList.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
      assert_false(e.composed, "change event should not be composed.");

    await clickOn(selectList);
    await test_driver.send_keys(selectList, KEY_CODE_MAP.Enter);
    assert_equals(selectList.value, "one");
    assert_array_equals(events, [], "input and change shouldn't fire if value wansn't changed.");

    await clickOn(selectList);
    await test_driver.send_keys(selectList, KEY_CODE_MAP.ArrowDown);
    assert_equals(selectList.value, "one", "value shouldn't change when user switches options with arrow key.");
    assert_array_equals(events, ['input'], "input event should fire when user switches options with arrow key.");

    await test_driver.send_keys(selectList, KEY_CODE_MAP.Enter);
    assert_equals(selectList.value, "two");
    assert_array_equals(events, ['input', 'input', 'change'], "input and change should fire after pressing enter.");
  }, "<selectlist> should fire input and change events when new option is selected.");

  promise_test(async () => {
    const selectList = document.getElementById("selectList3");
    const events = [];

    selectList.addEventListener("input", (e) => {
      assert_true(e.composed, "input event should be composed.");
    selectList.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
      assert_false(e.composed, "change event should not be composed.");

    await clickOn(selectList);
    await test_driver.send_keys(selectList, KEY_CODE_MAP.ArrowDown);
    assert_array_equals(events, ['input'], "input event should have fired after ArrowDown.");
    await test_driver.send_keys(selectList, KEY_CODE_MAP.Enter);
    assert_array_equals(events, ['input', 'input', 'change'], "input and change should fire after pressing Enter.");
  }, "<selectlist> should fire input and change events even when new selected option has the same value as the old.");

  promise_test(async () => {
    const selectList = document.getElementById("selectList4");
    const selectListOption2 = document.getElementById("selectList4-option2");
    let input_event_count = 0;
    let change_event_count = 0;

    selectList.addEventListener("input", (e) => {
      assert_true(e.composed, "input event should be composed");
      assert_equals(input_event_count, 0, "input event should not fire twice");
      assert_equals(change_event_count, 0, "input event should not fire before change");

    selectList.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
      assert_false(e.composed, "change event should not be composed");
      assert_equals(input_event_count, 1, "change event should fire after input");
      assert_equals(change_event_count, 0, "change event should not fire twice");

    await clickOn(selectList);
    await clickOn(selectListOption2);
    assert_equals(input_event_count, 1, "input event shouldn't fire when selected option didn't change");
    assert_equals(change_event_count, 1, "change event shouldn't fire when selected option didn't change");
  }, "<selectlist> should fire input and change events when option in listbox is clicked");

  promise_test(async() => {
    const selectList = document.getElementById("selectList2");
    await test_driver.send_keys(selectList, " ");
    assert_true(, "<Space> should open selectlist");
    await test_driver.send_keys(selectList, KEY_CODE_MAP.Enter);
    assert_false(, "<Enter> should close selectlist");
  }, "Check that <Space> opens <selectlist>.");

  promise_test(async() => {
    const selectList = document.getElementById("selectList5WithTabIndex");
    await test_driver.send_keys(selectList, " ");
    assert_true(, "<Space> should open selectlist");
    await test_driver.send_keys(selectList, KEY_CODE_MAP.Enter);
    assert_false(, "<Enter> should close selectlist");
  }, "Check that <Space> opens <selectlist> when <selectlist> specifies tabindex");

  promise_test(async() => {
    const input6 = document.getElementById("input6");
    const selectList = document.getElementById("selectList7");
    const selectListButton = document.getElementById("selectList7-button")

    var keydown_count = 0;
    selectListButton.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {

    // Focus selectlist via Tab traversal because focus() does not work when selectlist
    // has custom slot.
    // TODO( Fix this.
    await test_driver.send_keys(input6, KEY_CODE_MAP.Tab);

    await test_driver.send_keys(selectList, "a");
    assert_equals(keydown_count, 1, "button in shadowroot should have observed keydown");
}, "Test that <selectlist> button slot receives key events.");