
// Copyright 2023 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "src/compiler/turboshaft/operations.h"
#include "src/compiler/turboshaft/representations.h"

// The Opmasks allow performing a type check or cast with an operation mask
// that doesn't only encode the opcode but also additional properties, i.e.
// fields of an operation.
// The type check will be expressed by masking out the first 8 bytes of the
// object based on a generic Opmask and then comparing it against a specific
// shape of that mask.
// Given the following operation and mask definitions:
//   struct ConvertOp : FixedArityOperationT<1, ConvertOp> {
//     enum Type : int8_t {kBool, kInt, kFloat};
//     Type from;
//     Type to;
//   };
//   using ConvertOpMask =
//     MaskBuilder<ConvertOp, FIELD(ConvertOp, from), FIELD(ConvertOp, to)>;
//   using ConvertOpTargetMask = MaskBuilder<ConvertOp, FIELD(ConvertOp, to)>;
//   using ConvertFloatToInt =
//     ConvertOpMask::For<ConvertOp::kFloat, ConvertOp::kInt>;
//   using ConvertToInt =
//     ConvertOpTargetMask::For<ConvertOp::kInt>;
// The masks can be used in the following way:
//    const Operation& my_op = ...;
//    bool is_float_to_int = my_op.Is<ConvertFloatToInt>();
//    const ConvertOp* to_int = my_op.TryCast<ConvertToInt>();
// Where to_int will be non-null iff my_op is a ConvertOp *and* the target type
// is int.

namespace v8::internal::compiler::turboshaftOpmask  // namespace v8::internal::compiler::turboshaft::Opmask