
<title>textarea element value/defaultValue/textContent functionality</title>
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"use strict";

test(() => {

  const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");

  assert_equals(textarea.defaultValue, "", "defaultValue is empty string when it has no content");
  assert_equals(textarea.value, "", "value is empty string when it has no content");

}, "defaultValue and value are the empty string by default");

test(() => {

  const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");

  textarea.textContent = "foo bar";
  assert_equals(textarea.defaultValue, "foo bar", "the defaultValue should reflect the textContent");
  assert_equals(textarea.value, "foo bar",
    "changing the textContent should change the raw value, and subsequently the api value");

}, "defaultValue and value are affected by setting textContent");

test(() => {

  const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");

  textarea.textContent = "some text";
  textarea.firstChild.nodeValue = "foo bar";
  assert_equals(textarea.defaultValue, "foo bar", "the defaultValue should reflect the textContent");
  assert_equals(textarea.value, "foo bar",
    "changing the textContent should change the raw value, and subsequently the api value");

}, "defaultValue and value are affected by setting nodeValue on a child text node");

test(() => {

  const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");

  textarea.textContent = "some text"; = "foo bar";
  assert_equals(textarea.defaultValue, "foo bar", "the defaultValue should reflect the textContent");
  assert_equals(textarea.value, "foo bar",
    "changing the textContent should change the raw value, and subsequently the api value");

}, "defaultValue and value are affected by setting data on a child text node");

test(() => {

  const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");

  textarea.textContent = "foo bar";
  textarea.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" baz"));
  assert_equals(textarea.defaultValue, "foo bar baz", "the defaultValue should reflect the textContent");
  assert_equals(textarea.value, "foo bar baz",
    "changing the textContent should change the raw value, and subsequently the api value");

}, "defaultValue and value are affected by textContent in combination with appending a text node");

test(() => {

  const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
  textarea.textContent = "foo bar";

  const frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
  frag.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" baz"));
  const el = document.createElement("span");
  frag.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" fizz"));

  textarea.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" whee"));
  assert_equals(textarea.defaultValue, "foo bar baz fizz whee", "the defaultValue should reflect the textContent");
  assert_equals(textarea.value, "foo bar baz fizz whee",
    "changing the textContent should change the raw value, and subsequently the api value");

}, "defaultValue and value are affected by textContent in combination with appending a DocumentFragment");

test(() => {

  const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
  textarea.appendChild(document.createTextNode("foo bar"));

  const child = document.createElement("span");
  child.textContent = "baz";

  assert_equals(textarea.textContent, "foo barbaz", "the textContent should have *all* the text content");
  assert_equals(textarea.defaultValue, "foo bar", "the defaultValue should reflect the child text content");
  assert_equals(textarea.value, "foo bar",
    "changing the child text content should change the raw value, and subsequently the api value");

}, "defaultValue and value reflect child text content, not textContent");

test(() => {

  const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
  textarea.appendChild(document.createTextNode("foo bar"));

  const child = document.createElement("span");
  child.textContent = "baz";

  textarea.defaultValue = "foo";

  assert_equals(textarea.childNodes.length, 1, "Only one child node should exist");
  assert_equals(textarea.defaultValue, "foo", "the defaultValue should be the new text");
  assert_equals(textarea.value, "foo", "the api value should be the new text");
  assert_equals(textarea.textContent, "foo", "the textContent should be the new text");

}, "Setting defaultValue wipes out any children, including elements (just like setting textContent)");

test(() => {

  const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");

  textarea.textContent = "foo\r\nbar\rbaz\nqux";
  assert_equals(textarea.defaultValue, "foo\r\nbar\rbaz\nqux", "the defaultValue should reflect the textContent");
  assert_equals(textarea.value, "foo\nbar\nbaz\nqux", "The value property should normalize CRLF and CR to LF");

}, "defaultValue and value treat CRLF differently");

test(() => {

  const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");

  assert_equals(textarea.defaultValue, "foo\r\nbar\rbaz\nqux", "the defaultValue should reflect the textContent");
  assert_equals(textarea.value, "foo\nbar\nbaz\nqux", "The value property should normalize CRLF and CR to LF");

}, "value normalizes CRLF even spread over multiple text nodes");

test(() => {

  const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");

  textarea.textContent = "foo";
  textarea.value = "baz";
  assert_equals(textarea.defaultValue, "foo", "setting the value property should not affect the defaultValue");
  assert_equals(textarea.textContent, "foo", "setting the value property should not affect the textContent");
  assert_equals(textarea.value, "baz",
    "on setting, the value property must set the element's raw & api value to the new value");

  textarea.value = "foo\r\nbar\rbaz\nqux";
  assert_equals(textarea.value, "foo\nbar\nbaz\nqux", "The API value should normalize CRLF and CR to LF");

  textarea.value = null;
  assert_equals(textarea.value, "", "setting the value property to null should result in an empty string");

}, "tests for the value setter");

test(() => {

  const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");

  textarea.defaultValue = "foo\0";
  assert_equals(textarea.defaultValue, "foo\0", "defaultValue after setting defaultValue");
  assert_equals(textarea.textContent, "foo\0", "textContent after setting defaultValue");
  assert_equals(textarea.value, "foo\0", "value after setting defaultValue");

  textarea.textContent = "bar\0";
  assert_equals(textarea.defaultValue, "bar\0", "defaultValue after setting textContent");
  assert_equals(textarea.textContent, "bar\0", "textContent after setting textContent");
  assert_equals(textarea.value, "bar\0", "value after setting textContent");

  textarea.value = "baz\0";
  assert_equals(textarea.defaultValue, "bar\0", "defaultValue after setting value");
  assert_equals(textarea.textContent, "bar\0", "textContent after setting value");
  assert_equals(textarea.value, "baz\0", "value after setting value");

}, "tests for U+0000 NULL");