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    <title>li element</title>
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    <p>This test validates the li element.</p>

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    <p>Unordered List</p>
    <ul id="unordered">
        <li>list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>

    <p>Ordered List</p>
    <ol id="basic">
        <li>list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>

    <p>Ordered List</p>
    <ol id="start2">
        <li value="2">list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>

    <p>Ordered List</p>
    <ol id="negative">
        <li value="-10">list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>

    <p>Ordered List</p>
    <ol id="posFloatDown">
        <li value="4.03">list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>

    <p>Ordered List</p>
    <ol id="negFloatDown">
        <li value="-4.03">list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>

    <p>Ordered List</p>
    <ol id="posFloatUp">
        <li value="4.9">list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>

    <p>Ordered List</p>
    <ol id="negFloatUp">
        <li value="-4.9">list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>

    <p>Ordered List</p>
    <ol id="exponent">
        <li value="7e2">list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>

    <p>Ordered List</p>
    <ol id="decimal">
        <li value=".5">list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>

    <p>Ordered List</p>
    <ol id="letter">
        <li value="A">list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>
        <li>list item</li>

        "use strict";

        // "The [value] attribute has no default value" so, per,
        // the default when unspecified is 0
        test(function() {
            var testList = document.querySelectorAll("#unordered li, #basic li");
            for (var i = 0; i < testList.length; i++) {
                assert_equals(testList[i].value, 0, "Default (unspecified) value of value is 0.");
        }, "Default (unspecified) value of value is 0.");

        // "If the value attribute is present, user agents must parse it as an integer, in order to determine the attribute's value.
        //  If the attribute's value cannot be converted to a number, the attribute must be treated as if it was absent."
        // Per,
        //    an integer is parsed by collecting as many digits as possible and then aborting at the first
        //    non-digit character after the first digit (otherwise, with no beginning digit, it's just an error)
        // and:  "The value IDL attribute must reflect the value of the value content attribute."

        // start2's first element has value of 2
        test(function() {
            var testLI = document.getElementById("start2").children[0];
            assert_equals(testLI.value, 2, "value of 2 -> value of 2");
        }, ".value property reflects content attribute - and both parse value of '2' correctly.");

        // negative's first element has value of -10
        test(function() {
            var testLI = document.getElementById("negative").children[0];
            assert_equals(testLI.value, -10, "value of -10 -> value of -10");
        }, "IDL and content attribute parse value of '-10' correctly.");

        // posFloatDown's first element has value of 4.03 which should return 4
        test(function() {
            var testLI = document.getElementById("posFloatDown").children[0];
            assert_equals(testLI.value, 4, "value of 4.03 -> 4");
        }, "IDL and content attribute parse value of '4.03' correctly.");

        // negFloatDown's first element has value of -4.03 which should return -4
        test(function() {
            var testLI = document.getElementById("negFloatDown").children[0];
            assert_equals(testLI.value, -4, "value of -4.03 -> -4");
        }, "IDL and content attribute parse value of '-4.03' correctly.");

        // posFloatUp's first element has value of 4.9 which should return 4
        test(function() {
            var testLI = document.getElementById("posFloatUp").children[0];
            assert_equals(testLI.value, 4, "value of 4.9 -> 4");
        }, "IDL and content attribute parse value of '4.9' correctly.");

        // negFloatUp's first element has value of -4.9 which should return -4
        test(function() {
            var testLI = document.getElementById("negFloatUp").children[0];
            assert_equals(testLI.value, -4, "value of -4.9 -> -4");
        }, "IDL and content attribute parse value of '-4.9' correctly.");

        // exponent's first element has value of 7e2 which should return 7
        test(function() {
            var testLI = document.getElementById("exponent").children[0];
            assert_equals(testLI.value, 7, "value of 7e2 -> 7");
        }, "IDL and content attribute parse value of '7e2' correctly.");

        // decimal's first element has value of .5 which should return 0
        test(function() {
            var testLI = document.getElementById("decimal").children[0];
            assert_equals(testLI.value, 0, "value of .5 -> 0 (default)");
        }, "IDL and content attribute parse value of '.5' correctly.");

        // letter's first element has value of A which should return 0
        test(function() {
            var testLI = document.getElementById("letter").children[0];
            assert_equals(testLI.value, 0, "value of A -> 0 (default)");
        }, "IDL and content attribute parse value of 'A' correctly.");

