
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>menu element removed properties</title>
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<menu type="context" label="label">
  <menuitem type="checkbox" checked>Checked</menuitem>
  <menuitem disabled>Disabled</menuitem>
  <menuitem default>Default</menuitem>

"use strict";

const menu = document.querySelector("menu");
const menuitem = document.querySelector("menuitem");

test(() => {
  assert_false("HTMLMenuItemElement" in window, "the HTMLMenuItemElement interface must not exist");
  assert_equals(menuitem.constructor, HTMLUnknownElement, "A <menuitem> must be HTMLUnknownElement");

  for (const prop of ["type", "label", "icon", "disabled", "checked", "radiogroup", "default"]) {
    assert_false(prop in menuitem, `menuitem.${prop} must not be present`);
}, "HTMLMenuItemElement must not be not present");

test(() => {
  const potentialBadLocations = [
  for (const location of potentialBadLocations) {
    assert_false("onshow" in location,
      `${} must not have a property "onshow"`);
}, `onshow must not be present on the GlobalEventHandlers locations`);

test(() => {
  assert_false("RelatedEvent" in window);
}, "RelatedEvent must not be present");

test(() => {
  assert_false("contextMenu" in HTMLElement.prototype,
    "HTMLElement's prototype must not have a property \"contextMenu\"");
  assert_false("contextMenu" in document.createElement("div"),
    "A div must not have a property \"contextMenu\"");
}, "el.contextMenu must not be present");

test(() => {
  assert_false("type" in menu);

  menu.type = "toolbar";
  assert_equals(menu.getAttribute("type"), "context");
}, "menu.type must not exist or reflect the content attribute");

test(() => {
  assert_false("label" in menu);

  menu.label = "new label";
  assert_equals(menu.getAttribute("label"), "label");
}, "menu.label must not exist or reflect the content attribute");

test(() => {
  assert_array_equals(document.querySelectorAll("menuitem:enabled"), []);
}, ":enabled must not match menuitems");

test(() => {
  assert_array_equals(document.querySelectorAll("menuitem:disabled"), []);
}, ":disabled must not match menuitems");

test(() => {
  assert_array_equals(document.querySelectorAll("menuitem:checked"), []);
}, ":checked must not match menuitems");

test(() => {
  try {
    assert_array_equals(document.querySelectorAll("menuitem:default"), []);
  } catch (e) {
    // Not everyone has implemented :default as of the time of this writing.
    if ( !== "SyntaxError") {
      throw e;
}, ":default must not match menuitems");

test(() => {
  assert_equals(getComputedStyle(menu).display, "block");
}, "The user-agent stylesheet must leave type=\"context\" menus as block display like other menus");
