
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Test focusing steps when dialog is inert</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<input id="outer-input">
  <input autofocus>
function test_focusing_steps_with_inert_dialog(test, isModal) {
  const outerInput = document.querySelector("#outer-input");
  assert_equals(document.activeElement, outerInput,
    "Focus should be on element we just focused");

  const dialog = document.querySelector("dialog");
  assert_false(, "Dialog should initially be closed");

  dialog.inert = true;
  test.add_cleanup(() => { dialog.inert = false; });

  if (isModal) {
    test.add_cleanup(() => { dialog.close(); });
    assert_equals(document.activeElement, document.body,
      "dialog.showModal(): focusing steps should apply focus fixup rule when dialog is inert");
  } else {;
    test.add_cleanup(() => { dialog.close(); });
    assert_equals(document.activeElement, outerInput,
      " focusing steps should not change focus when dialog is inert");

test(function() {
  test_focusing_steps_with_inert_dialog(this, false);
}, " focusing steps should not change focus when dialog is inert");

test(function() {
  test_focusing_steps_with_inert_dialog(this, true);
}, "dialog.showModal(): focusing steps should apply focus fixup rule when dialog is inert");