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<title>summary element: clicking on anchor containing inline element</title>
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<details id="details_i">
  <summary>Anchor text is wrapped with &lt;i&gt; tag <a href="#with_i_tag"><i id="with_i">permalink</i></a></summary>

<details id="details_span">
  <summary>This one uses &lt;span&gt;. <a href="#with_span_tag"><span id="with_span">permalink</span></a></summary>

<details id="details_svg">
    <svg style="width: 100px;" viewBox="0 0 100 100" xmlns="">
      <a href="#inside_svg_w_circle">
        <circle id="svg_circle" cx="50" cy="40" r="35"/>
      <a href="#inside_svg_w_text">
        <text id="svg_text" x="50" y="90" text-anchor="middle">

function testClickingOnInlineElement(detailsId, targetId, expected, testName) {
  const details = document.getElementById(detailsId);
  const target = document.getElementById(targetId);
  const test = async_test(testName);

  const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    window.onhashchange = test.step_func_done(() => {
      assert_equals(location.hash, expected);

  if ( {;
  else {
    // svg element don't have click method
    target.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', {
      view: window,
      bubbles: true,
      cancelable: true
  return promise;

async function testAll() {
  try {
    await testClickingOnInlineElement("details_i", "with_i", "#with_i_tag", "Expected <a> containing <i> to navigate");
    await testClickingOnInlineElement("details_span", "with_span", "#with_span_tag", "Expected <a> containing <span> to navigate");
    await testClickingOnInlineElement("details_svg", "svg_circle", "#inside_svg_w_circle", "Expected <a>, inside svg, containing <circle> to navigate");
    await testClickingOnInlineElement("details_svg", "svg_text", "#inside_svg_w_text", "Expected <a>, inside svg, containing <text> to navigate");
  } catch (exception) {
    assert_unreached("should NOT-THROW exception");

var allTests = async_test("Clicking on anchor with embedded inline element should navigate instead of opening details");
testAll().then(()=>{ allTests.done(); });