<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>JSON modules: UTF-8 decoding</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<div id=log></div>
<script type="module" onerror="unreachable()">
import json from "../serve-with-content-type.py?fn=json-module/utf-8.json&ct=text/json%3Bcharset=utf-8" with { type: "json"};
test(() => {
assert_equals(json.data, "śćążź");
}, "JSON module should be loaded as utf-8 when charset=utf8 is specified");
<script type="module" onerror="unreachable()">
import json from "../serve-with-content-type.py?fn=json-module/utf-8.json&ct=text/json%3Bcharset=shift-jis" with { type: "json"};
test(() => {
assert_equals(json.data, "śćążź");
}, "JSON module should be loaded as utf-8 when charset=shift-jis is specified");
<script type="module" onerror="unreachable()">
import json from "../serve-with-content-type.py?fn=json-module/utf-8.json&ct=text/json%3Bcharset=windows-1252" with { type: "json"};
test(() => {
assert_equals(json.data, "śćążź");
}, "JSON module should be loaded as utf-8 when charset=windows-1252 is specified");
<script type="module" onerror="unreachable()">
import json from "../serve-with-content-type.py?fn=json-module/utf-8.json&ct=text/json%3Bcharset=utf-7" with { type: "json"};;
test(() => {
assert_equals(json.data, "śćążź");
}, "JSON module should be loaded as utf-8 when charset=utf-7 is specified");
<script type="module" onerror="unreachable()">
import json from "../serve-with-content-type.py?fn=json-module/windows-1250.json&ct=text/json%3Bcharset=windows-1250" with { type: "json"};
test(() => {
assert_not_equals(json.data, "śćążź",
'Should be decoded as UTF-8');
}, "JSON module should be loaded as utf-8 even if it is encoded in windows-1250 and served with a windows-1250 charset response header");