// The `then` handlers for `Promise.resolve()` are evaluated in the first
// microtasks checkpoint after `Promise.resolve()`.
self.setup({allow_uncaught_exception: true});
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Check when microtasks checkpoint is performed
// - Around `self`'s error event fired via
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/#report-the-error during
// - https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/#run-a-classic-script or
// - https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/#run-a-module-script.
// The expectation is: the `then` handlers are evaluated after all error event
// handlers are evaluated, not after each error event handler.
// Just after each event handler is invoked,
// https://webidl.spec.whatwg.org/#call-a-user-objects-operation
// calls #clean-up-after-running-script, but this doesn't execute new
// microtasks immediately, because:
// - Before https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/4352:
// #report-the-error is called before #clean-up-after-running-script by
// #run-a-classic-script/#run-a-module-script, so microtask checkpoint
// is not performed because JavaScript execution context stack is not empty.
// - After https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/4352:
// #report-the-error is called during #perform-a-microtask-checkpoint (because
// it is called on rejection of promises), so #perform-a-microtask-checkpoint
// is executed but early exited.
self.log = [];
self.addEventListener('error', () => {
log.push('handler 1');
Promise.resolve().then(() => log.push('handler 1 promise'));
self.addEventListener('error', () => {
log.push('handler 2');
Promise.resolve().then(() => log.push('handler 2 promise'));
// Microtasks should be executed before
// #run-a-classic-script/#run-a-module-script is completed, and thus before
// script evaluation scheduled by setTimeout().
async_test(t => {
t.step_timeout(() => {
assert_array_equals(log, [
'handler 1',
'handler 2',
'handler 1 promise',
'handler 2 promise'
}, "Promise resolved during #report-the-error");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Check when microtasks checkpoint is performed
// around event events other than the `self` error event cases above.
// In this case, microtasks are executed just after each event handler is
// invoked via #clean-up-after-running-script called from
// https://webidl.spec.whatwg.org/#call-a-user-objects-operation,
// because the event handlers are executed outside the
// #prepare-to-run-script/#clean-up-after-running-script scopes in
// #run-a-classic-script/#run-a-module-script.
self.log2 = [];
self.t2 = async_test(
"Promise resolved during event handlers other than error");
self.addEventListener('message', () => {
log2.push('handler 1');
Promise.resolve().then(() => log2.push('handler 1 promise'));
self.addEventListener('message', () => {
log2.push('handler 2');
Promise.resolve().then(t2.step_func_done(() => {
log2.push('handler 2 promise');
assert_array_equals(log2, [
'handler 1',
'handler 1 promise',
'handler 2',
'handler 2 promise'
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
throw new Error('script 1');