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<title>import(): error cases caused by the imported module script</title>
<link rel="author" title="Kouhei Ueno" href="mailto:[email protected]">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
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const cases = [
["parse error", "../syntaxerror.js", SyntaxError],
["bad module specifier", "does-not-start-with-dot.js", TypeError, { differentErrorObjects: true }],
["bad module specifier in a dependency", "../bad-module-specifier.js", TypeError],
["instantiation error", "../instantiation-error-1.js", SyntaxError, { differentErrorObjects: true }],
["evaluation error", "../throw-error.js", Error]
for (const [label, specifier, error, { differentErrorObjects } = {}] of cases) {
promise_test(t => {
return promise_rejects_js(t, error, import(specifier));
}, "import() must reject when there is a " + label);
const errorObjectsLabel = differentErrorObjects ? "different error objects" : "the same error object";
promise_test(async t => {
// The use of ?x is used to separate tests so they don't interfere with each other.
// (However, it shouldn't matter anyway, in a spec-compliant implementation.)
const promise1 = import(specifier + "?x");
const promise2 = import(specifier + "?x");
await promise_rejects_js(t, error, promise1, "It must reject the first time");
await promise_rejects_js(t, error, promise2, "It must reject the second time");
const error1 = await promise1.catch(e => e);
const error2 = await promise2.catch(e => e);
if (differentErrorObjects) {
assert_not_equals(error1, error2, "The error objects must be different");
} else {
assert_equals(error1, error2, "The error objects must be equal");
}, `import() must reject with ${errorObjectsLabel} for each import when there is a ${label}`);
promise_test(t => {
delete window.before_throwing_error;
delete window.after_throwing_error;
return promise_rejects_js(t, Error, import("../throw-error.js?y")).then(() => {
"the module script should run to a point where it throws exception");
assert_equals(window.after_throwing_error, undefined,
"the module script should not run after it throws exception");
}, "import()ing a module with an evaluation error must stop evaluation");