<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<iframe src="resources/store-import-meta.html"></iframe>
<script type="module">
import * as otherImportMeta from "./resources/export-import-meta.mjs";
setup({ explicit_done: true });
window.onload = () => {
test(() => {
assert_not_equals(frames[0].importMetaURL, import.meta.url,
"Precondition check: we've set things up so that the other script has a different import.meta.url");
const expected = (new URL("resources/x", location.href)).href;
assert_equals(frames[0].importMetaResolve("./x"), expected);
}, "import.meta.resolve resolves URLs relative to the import.meta.url, not relative to the active script when it is called: another global's inline script");
test(() => {
const otherFrameImportMetaResolve = frames[0].importMetaResolve;
const expected = (new URL("resources/x", location.href)).href;
assert_equals(otherFrameImportMetaResolve("./x"), expected);
}, "import.meta.resolve still works if its global has been destroyed (by detaching the iframe)");
test(() => {
assert_not_equals(otherImportMeta.url, import.meta.url,
"Precondition check: we've set things up so that the other script has a different import.meta.url");
const expected = (new URL("resources/x", location.href)).href;
assert_equals(otherImportMeta.resolve("./x"), expected);
}, "import.meta.resolve resolves URLs relative to the import.meta.url, not relative to the active script when it is called: another module script");