
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
    <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>

    <script type="module">

        import { A } from "./imports-a.js";

        test(function () {
            assert_equals(A.from, "imports-a.js", "Unexpected A");
        }, "Import a simple module");

    <script type="module">

        import { B as B_RENAMED } from "./imports-b.js";

        test(function () {
            assert_equals(B_RENAMED.from, "imports-b.js", "Unexpected B_RENAMED");

                assert_unreached("Unexpectedly defined B");
            catch (ex)
        }, "Import a simple module, renamed");

    <script type="module">

        import { INC_A } from "./imports-inc-a.js";
        import { INC_B } from "./imports-inc-b.js";
        import { INC_AB_A, INC_AB_B } from "./imports-inc-ab.js";

        test(function () {
            assert_equals(INC_A.from, "imports-a.js", "Unexpected INC_A");
            assert_equals(INC_B.from, "imports-b.js", "Unexpected INC_A");
            assert_equals(INC_AB_A.from, "imports-a.js", "Unexpected INC_A");
            assert_equals(INC_AB_B.from, "imports-b.js", "Unexpected INC_A");
            assert_equals(INC_A, INC_AB_A, "INC_A and INC_AB_A should be the same");
            assert_equals(INC_B, INC_AB_B, "INC_B and INC_AB_B should be the same");
        }, "Import the same module multiple times");


        var test_importSelf = async_test("Import a module that validly imports itself");
    <script type="module" src="imports-self.js"></script>

        var test_importCycle = async_test("Import a module with a valid cyclical module dependency");
    <script type="module" src="imports-cycle.js"></script>