
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Module script descendants use the referrer policy on their ancestor, if one exists</title>
<link rel=help href="">
<meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script type="module">

// "name" parameter is necessary for bypassing the module map.
// The case where the parent module script is sent with no referrer policy at
// all is covered in `referrer-no-referrer.sub.html` (and others like it). In
// that case, the parent module inherits its referencing document's referrer
// policy for use in descendant imports.

import { referrer as parentWithNoReferrerWhenDowngrade } from

import { referrer as parentWithOrigin} from

import { referrer as parentWithSameOrigin} from

import { referrer as parentWithOriginWhenCrossOriginRemoteDescendant} from

import { referrer as remoteParentWithOriginWhenCrossOriginSameOriginDescendant} from

import { referrer as remoteParentWithSameOriginWhenCrossOriginSameOriginDescendant} from

import { referrer as remoteParentWithOriginWhenCrossOriginRemoteDescendant} from

import { referrer as remoteParentWithSameOriginWhenCrossOriginRemoteDescendant} from

import { referrer as parentWithInvalidPolicy } from

test(t => {
  const expected_url =
      new URL("html/semantics/scripting-1/the-script-element/module/resources/import-referrer-checker.sub.js?name=same_same&pipe=header(Referrer-Policy,no-referrer-when-downgrade)",
      parentWithNoReferrerWhenDowngrade, expected_url.toString(),
      "Descendant referrer should be the parent's full URL.");
}, "Parent module delivered with `no-referrer-when-downgrade` policy importing a same-origin descendant script.");

test(t => {
      parentWithOrigin, window.origin + "/",
      "Descendant referrer should be the parent's origin.");
}, "Parent module delivered with `origin` policy importing a same-origin descendant script.");

test(t => {
  const expected_url =
      new URL("html/semantics/scripting-1/the-script-element/module/resources/import-referrer-checker.sub.js?name=same_remote_so&pipe=header(Referrer-Policy,same-origin)",
      parentWithSameOrigin, expected_url.toString(),
      "Descendant referrer should be the parent's full URL.");
}, "Parent module delivered with `same-origin` policy importing a same-origin descendant script.");

test(t => {
      parentWithOriginWhenCrossOriginRemoteDescendant, window.origin + "/",
      "Remote descendant referrer should be the parent's origin.");
}, "Parent module delivered with `origin-when-cross-origin` policy importing a cross-origin descendant script.");

test(t => {
  const expected_url =
      new URL("/html/semantics/scripting-1/the-script-element/module/resources/import-referrer-checker.sub.js?name=remote_same&pipe=header(Referrer-Policy,origin-when-cross-origin)",
      remoteParentWithOriginWhenCrossOriginSameOriginDescendant, expected_url.toString(),
      "Same-origin descendant referrer should be the parent's full URL.");
}, "Remote parent module delivered with `origin-when-cross-origin` policy importing a same-origin-to-parent-module descendant script.");

test(t => {
  const expected_url =
      new URL("/html/semantics/scripting-1/the-script-element/module/resources/import-referrer-checker.sub.js?name=remote_same_so&pipe=header(Referrer-Policy,same-origin)",
      remoteParentWithSameOriginWhenCrossOriginSameOriginDescendant, expected_url.toString(),
      "Same-origin descendant referrer should be the parent's full URL.");
}, "Remote parent module delivered with `same-origin` policy importing a same-origin-to-parent-module descendant script.");

test(t => {
      remoteParentWithOriginWhenCrossOriginRemoteDescendant, "http://{{domains[www1]}}:{{ports[http][0]}}/",
      "Remote-origin descendant referrer should be the parent's origin.");
}, "Remote parent module delivered with `origin-when-cross-origin` policy importing a cross-origin-to-parent-module descendant script.");

test(t => {
      remoteParentWithSameOriginWhenCrossOriginRemoteDescendant, "");
}, "Remote parent module delivered with `same-origin` policy importing a cross-origin-to-parent-module descendant script.");

// This tests the following spec line:
// "If referrerPolicy is not the empty string, set options's referrer policy to
//  referrerPolicy."
// In other words, invalid referrer policies are ignored, so the referrer policy
// from the referencing document is inherited as usual, which is `no-referrer`
// in this case.
test(t => {
      parentWithInvalidPolicy, "",
      "Descendant referrer should be empty.");
}, "Parent module delivered with invalid policy importing a same-origin descendant script.");
