
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Muted Errors</title>

<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
// If script's muted errors is true, then set message to "Script error.",
// urlString to the empty string, line and col to 0, and errorValue to null.
    setup({allow_uncaught_exception: true});

    window.log = [];
    window.addEventListener("error", ev => log.push(ev));

    function check(shouldBeMuted) {
      assert_equals(log.length, 1);
      var ev = log[0];
      log = [];
      if (shouldBeMuted) {
        assert_equals(ev.message, "Script error.");
        assert_equals(ev.error, null, 'error');
        assert_equals(ev.filename, "", 'filename');
        assert_equals(ev.lineno, 0, 'lineno');
        assert_equals(ev.colno, 0, 'colno');
      } else {
        assert_not_equals(ev.message, "Script error.");
        assert_not_equals(ev.error, null);

    var test1 = async_test("Errors for same-origin script shouldn't be muted");
    var check1 = test1.step_func_done(() => check(false));

    var test2 = async_test("Errors for cross-origin script should be muted");
    var check2 = test2.step_func_done(() => check(true));

    var test3 = async_test("Errors for cross-origin script should be muted " +
                           "even if the script is once loaded as same-origin");
    function step3() {
      var script = document.createElement('script');
      script.setAttribute('src', "//{{domains[www2]}}:{{ports[http][0]}}/html/semantics/scripting-1/the-script-element/");
      script.onerror = test3.unreached_func();
      script.onload = test3.step_func_done(() => check(true));

    var test4 = async_test("Errors for same-origin scripts redirected to a " +
                           "cross-origin url and redirected back to " +
                           "same-origin should be muted");
    var check4 = test4.step_func_done(() => check(true));

    var test5 = async_test("Errors for cross-origin scripts redirected to a " +
                           "same-origin url should be muted");
    var check5 = test5.step_func_done(() => check(true));

    const test6 = async_test("Non-synthetic errors for same-origin scripts redirected to a " +
                             "cross-origin URL and redirected back to same-origin should be " +
    const check6 = test6.step_func_done(() => check(true));

    const test7 = async_test("Syntax error for same-origin script redirected to a " +
                             "cross-origin URL and redirected back to same-origin should be " +
    const check7 = test7.step_func_done(() => check(true));

    function unreachable() { log.push("unexpected"); }
<script src="" onerror="test1.unreached_func()()" onload="check1()"></script>
<script src="//{{domains[www2]}}:{{ports[http][0]}}/html/semantics/scripting-1/the-script-element/"
    onerror="test2.unreached_func()()" onload="check2()"></script>
<iframe src="//{{domains[www2]}}:{{ports[http][0]}}/html/semantics/scripting-1/the-script-element/muted-errors-iframe.html"
    onerror="test3.unreached_func()()" onload="step3()"></iframe>
<script src="/fetch/api/resources/
onerror="test4.unreached_func()()" onload="check4()"></script>
<script src="//{{domains[www2]}}:{{ports[http][0]}}/fetch/api/resources/
onerror="test5.unreached_func()()" onload="check5()"></script>
<script src="//{{domains[www2]}}:{{ports[http][0]}}/fetch/api/resources/
onerror="test6.unreached_func()()" onload="check6()"></script>
<script src="//{{domains[www2]}}:{{ports[http][0]}}/fetch/api/resources/
onerror="test7.unreached_func()()" onload="check7()"></script>