
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Script encoding for document encoding windows-1250</title>
  <link rel="author" title="askalski" href="">
  <link rel="author" title="Aaqa Ishtyaq" href="">
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  <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
  <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
  <div id="log"></div>
  <!-- to avoid conflating tests for script encoding declaring the encoding at the top of file. i.e, windows-1250-->
  <meta charset="windows-1250">
  test(function() {
    assert_equals(document.characterSet, "windows-1250")
  }, "assumption: document encoding is windows-1250");

  <!-- in this case, neither response's Content Type nor charset attribute bring correct charset information.
  <script type="text/javascript"

  test(function() {
    //these string should match since, windows-1250 is the fallback encoding.
    assert_equals(window.getSomeString(), "\u015b\u0107\u0105\u017c\u017a");
  }, "windows-1250 script decoded using document encoding (also windows-1250)");

  <script type="text/javascript"
  //these strings should match, since this string is the result of decoding the utf-8 text as windows-1250.
  test(function() {
    assert_equals(window.getSomeString(), "\u0139\u203a\xc4\u2021\xc4\u2026\u0139\u013d\u0139\u015f");
  }, "UTF-8 script decoded using document encoding (windows-1250)");
