<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>Selector: pseudo-classes (:valid, :invalid)</title>
<link rel="author" title="Denis Ah-Kang" href="mailto:[email protected]" id=link1>
<link rel=help href="https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#pseudo-classes" id=link2>
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#styleTests form, #styleTests fieldset, #failExample { background-color:red; }
#styleTests > :valid, #validExample { background-color:green; }
#styleTests > :invalid, #invalidExample { background-color:lime; }
<div id="log"></div>
<div id='simpleConstraints'>
<input type=text id=text1 value="foobar" required>
<input type=text id=text2 required>
<div id='FormSelection'>
<form id=form1>
<input type=text id=text3 value="foobar" required>
<form id=form2>
<input type=text id=text4 required>
<div id='FieldSetSelection'>
<fieldset id=fieldset1>
<input type=text id=text5 value="foobar" required>
<fieldset id=fieldset2>
<input type=text id=text6 required>
<div id='patternConstraints'>
<input type=text id=text7 value="AAA" pattern="[0-9][A-Z]{3}">
<input type=text id=text8 value="0AAA" pattern="[0-9][A-Z]{3}">
<div id='numberConstraints'>
<input type=number id=number1 value=0 min=1>
<input type=number id=number2 value=1 min=1>
<div id='styleTests'>
<input type=text min=8 value=4>
<input type=number min=8 value=4>
<input type=text min=8 value=4>
<input type=number min=8 value=4>
<div id='validExample'></div>
<div id='invalidExample'></div>
<div id='failExample'></div>
testSelectorIdsMatch("#simpleConstraints :valid", ["text1"], "':valid' matches elements that satisfy their constraints");
testSelectorIdsMatch("#FormSelection :valid", ["form1", "text3"], "':valid' matches form elements that are not the form owner of any elements that themselves are candidates for constraint validation but do not satisfy their constraints");
testSelectorIdsMatch("#FieldSetSelection :valid", ["fieldset1", "text5"], "':valid' matches fieldset elements that have no descendant elements that themselves are candidates for constraint validation but do not satisfy their constraints");
testSelectorIdsMatch("#patternConstraints :valid", [ "text8" ], "':valid' matches elements that satisfy their pattern constraints");
testSelectorIdsMatch("#numberConstraints :valid", [ "number2" ], "':valid' matches elements that satisfy their number constraints");
testSelectorIdsMatch("#simpleConstraints :invalid", ["text2"], "':invalid' matches elements that do not satisfy their simple text constraints");
testSelectorIdsMatch("#FormSelection :invalid", ["form2", "text4"], "':invalid' matches form elements that are the form owner of one or more elements that themselves are candidates for constraint validation but do not satisfy their constraints");
testSelectorIdsMatch("#FieldSetSelection :invalid", ["fieldset2", "text6"], "':invalid' matches fieldset elements that have of one or more descendant elements that themselves are candidates for constraint validation but do not satisfy their constraints");
testSelectorIdsMatch("#patternConstraints :invalid", ["text7"], "':invalid' matches elements that do not satisfy their pattern constraints");
testSelectorIdsMatch("#numberConstraints :invalid", ["number1"], "':invalid' matches elements that do not satisfy their number constraints");
testSelectorIdsMatch("#patternConstraints :valid", [ "text7", "text8" ], "':valid' matches new elements that satisfy their constraints");
testSelectorIdsMatch("#patternConstraints :invalid", [], "':invalid' doesn't match new elements that satisfy their constraints");
testSelectorIdsMatch("#patternConstraints :valid", ["text7"], "':valid' doesn't match new elements that do not satisfy their constraints");
testSelectorIdsMatch("#patternConstraints :invalid", ["text8"], "':invalid' matches new elements that do not satisfy their constraints");
function getBGColor(elem) {
return getComputedStyle(elem).backgroundColor;
function testStyles(type) {
var elems = document.querySelectorAll("#styleTests " + type),
empty = elems[0],
valid = elems[1],
invalid = elems[2],
validInput = valid.querySelector("input"),
invalidInput = invalid.querySelector("input"),
expectedValidBGColor = getBGColor(document.getElementById("validExample")),
expectedInvalidBGColor = getBGColor(document.getElementById("invalidExample")),
expectedFailBGColor = getBGColor(document.getElementById("failExample"));
test(function() {
assert_equals(getBGColor(empty), expectedValidBGColor, "wrong background-color");
}, 'empty ' + type + ' correctly styled on page-load');
test(function() {
assert_equals(getBGColor(valid), expectedValidBGColor, "wrong background-color");
}, 'valid ' + type + ' correctly styled on page-load');
test(function() {
assert_equals(getBGColor(invalid), expectedInvalidBGColor, "wrong background-color");
}, 'invalid ' + type + ' correctly styled on page-load');
test(function() {
assert_equals(getBGColor(empty), expectedValidBGColor, "wrong background-color");
}, 'programmatically adding valid to empty ' + type + ' results in correct style');
test(function() {
assert_equals(getBGColor(empty), expectedInvalidBGColor, "wrong background-color");
}, 'programmatically adding invalid to empty ' + type + ' results in correct style');
validInput.type = "number";
invalidInput.type = "text";
test(function() {
assert_equals(getBGColor(valid), expectedInvalidBGColor, "wrong background-color");
}, 'programmatically-invalidated ' + type + ' correctly styled');
test(function() {
assert_equals(getBGColor(invalid), expectedValidBGColor, "wrong background-color");
}, 'programmatically-validated ' + type + ' correctly styled');
test(testStyles.bind(undefined, "form"), ":valid/:invalid styling for <form>");
test(testStyles.bind(undefined, "fieldset"), ":valid/:invalid styling for <fieldset>");