<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<div id="log"></div>
test(function() {
var HTMLNS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
var parentEl = document.createElementNS(HTMLNS, "html:table")
assert_equals(parentEl.namespaceURI, HTMLNS, "Parent should be in the HTML namespace")
assert_equals(parentEl.prefix, "html", "Parent prefix should be html")
assert_equals(parentEl.localName, "table", "Parent local name should be table")
assert_equals(parentEl.tagName, "HTML:TABLE", "Parent tag name should be HTML:TABLE")
var row = parentEl.insertRow(-1)
assert_equals(row.namespaceURI, HTMLNS, "Row should be in the HTML namespace")
assert_equals(row.prefix, null, "Row prefix should be null")
assert_equals(row.localName, "tr", "Row local name should be tr")
assert_equals(row.tagName, "TR", "Row tag name should be TR")
var body = row.parentNode
assert_equals(body.namespaceURI, HTMLNS, "Body should be in the HTML namespace")
assert_equals(body.prefix, null, "Body prefix should be null")
assert_equals(body.localName, "tbody", "Body local name should be tr")
assert_equals(body.tagName, "TBODY", "Body tag name should be TR")
assert_array_equals(parentEl.childNodes, [body])
assert_array_equals(body.childNodes, [row])
assert_array_equals(parentEl.rows, [row])
}, "insertRow should not copy prefixes")
test(function() {
var table = document.createElement("table")
var head = table.appendChild(document.createElement("thead"))
assert_array_equals(table.rows, [])
var row = table.insertRow(-1)
var body = row.parentNode
assert_array_equals(table.childNodes, [head, body])
assert_array_equals(head.childNodes, [])
assert_array_equals(body.childNodes, [row])
assert_array_equals(table.rows, [row])
}, "insertRow should insert into a tbody, not into a thead, if table.rows is empty")
test(function() {
var table = document.createElement("table")
var foot = table.appendChild(document.createElement("tfoot"))
assert_array_equals(table.rows, [])
var row = table.insertRow(-1)
var body = row.parentNode
assert_array_equals(table.childNodes, [foot, body])
assert_array_equals(foot.childNodes, [])
assert_array_equals(body.childNodes, [row])
assert_array_equals(table.rows, [row])
}, "insertRow should insert into a tbody, not into a tfoot, if table.rows is empty")