<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Fetch Priority - Link element</title>
<meta name="author" title="Dominic Farolino" href="mailto:[email protected]">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<link id=link1 href=resources/stylesheet.css fetchpriority=high>
<link id=link2 href=resources/stylesheet.css fetchpriority=low>
<link id=link3 href=resources/stylesheet.css fetchpriority=auto>
<link id=link4 href=resources/stylesheet.css fetchpriority=xyz>
<link id=link5 href=resources/stylesheet.css>
test(() => {
assert_equals(link1.fetchPriority, "high", "high fetchPriority is a valid IDL value on the link element");
assert_equals(link2.fetchPriority, "low", "low fetchPriority is a valid IDL value on the link element");
assert_equals(link3.fetchPriority, "auto", "auto fetchPriority is a valid IDL value on the link element");
assert_equals(link4.fetchPriority, "auto", "invalid fetchPriority reflects as 'auto' IDL attribute on the link element");
assert_equals(link5.fetchPriority, "auto", "missing fetchPriority reflects as 'auto' IDL attribute on the link element");
}, "fetchpriority attribute on <link> elements should reflect valid IDL values");
test(() => {
const link = document.createElement("link");
assert_equals(link.fetchPriority, "auto");
}, "default fetchpriority attribute on <link> elements should be 'auto'");