
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML Templates: 'In body' insertion mode: Template end tag without start one. Element should be ignored</title>
<meta name="author" title="Sergey G. Grekhov" href="mailto:[email protected]">
<meta name="author" title="Aleksei Yu. Semenov" href="[email protected]">
<meta name="assert" content="If parser in 'in body' insertion mode meets template end tag and if the stack of open elements has no template element in html scope, then this is a parse error; ignore the token">
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test(function () {
    var doc = newHTMLDocument();

    doc.body.innerHTML = '</template>';

    assert_equals(doc.body.childNodes.length, 0, 'Element must be ignored');

}, '</template> tag in HTML body without start one should be ignored');

test(function () {
    var doc = newHTMLDocument();

    doc.body.innerHTML = '<template id="tmpl"></template></template>';

    assert_equals(doc.body.childNodes.length, 1, 'Element must be ignored');
    assert_not_equals(doc.querySelector('#tmpl'), null,
            'Element should present it document body');

}, '</template> tag in HTML body without start one should be ignored. '
    + 'Test valid <template> element and </template> tag after it');

test(function () {
    var doc = newHTMLDocument();

    doc.body.innerHTML = '</template><template id="tmpl"></template>';

    assert_equals(doc.body.childNodes.length, 1, 'Element must be ignored');
    assert_not_equals(doc.querySelector('#tmpl'), null,
            'Element should present it document body');

}, '</template> tag in HTML body without start one should be ignored. '
    + 'Test valid <template> element and </template> tag before it');

test(function () {
    var doc = newHTMLDocument();

    doc.body.innerHTML = '</template><template id="tmpl"></template><title></title>';

    assert_equals(doc.body.childNodes.length, 2, 'Element must be ignored');
    assert_not_equals(doc.querySelector('#tmpl'), null,
            'Valid element should present it document body');
    assert_not_equals(doc.querySelector('title'), null,
            'Valid title element should present it document body');

}, '</template> tag in HTML body without start one should be ignored. '
    + 'Test valid <template> element, <title> element and </template> tag before them');

test(function () {
    var doc = newHTMLDocument();

    doc.body.innerHTML = '<template id="tmpl"></template><title></title></template>';

    assert_equals(doc.body.childNodes.length, 2, 'Element must be ignored');
    assert_not_equals(doc.querySelector('#tmpl'), null,
            'Valid element should present it document body');
    assert_not_equals(doc.querySelector('title'), null,
            'Valid title element should present it document body');

}, '</template> tag in HTML body without start one should be ignored. '
    + 'Test valid <template> element, <title> element and </template> tag after them');

testInIFrame('/html/semantics/scripting-1/the-template-element/resources/end-template-tag-in-body.html', function(context) {
    var doc = context.iframes[0].contentDocument;

    assert_equals(doc.body.querySelector('template'), null,
            '</template> must be ignored');
    assert_not_equals(doc.body.querySelector('div'), null,
            'Valid element should present it document body');

}, '</template> tag in HTML body without start one should be ignored. '
    + 'Test HTML document loaded from file');
