<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML Templates: ownerDocument property of the element in template</title>
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<meta name="author" title="Sergey G. Grekhov" href="mailto:[email protected]">
<meta name="author" title="Aleksei Yu. Semenov" href="mailto:[email protected]">
<meta name="assert" content="ownerDocument property of the element appended to template must be set to the template contents owner of the ownerDocument of the template element">
<link rel="help" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-html-templates-20130214/#creating-an-element-for-a-token">
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test(function () {
var doc = newHTMLDocument();
doc.body.innerHTML = '<div><template id="tmpl1"><div id="div">DIV</div></template></div>';
var template = doc.querySelector('#tmpl1');
var div = template.content.querySelector('#div');
assert_equals(div.ownerDocument, template.content.ownerDocument,
'Wrong ownerDocument of the element in template');
}, 'Test ownerDocument property of the element in a template. '
+ 'Current DOCUMENT has no browsing context. Test template element inside the div');
test(function () {
var doc = newHTMLDocument();
doc.body.innerHTML = '<template id="tmpl1"><div id="div">DIV</div></template>';
var template = doc.querySelector('#tmpl1');
var div = template.content.querySelector('#div');
assert_equals(div.ownerDocument, template.content.ownerDocument,
'Wrong ownerDocument of the element in template');
}, 'Test ownerDocument property of the element in a template. '
+ 'Current DOCUMENT has no browsing context. Test template element '
+ 'in the root of the body');
test(function () {
var doc = newHTMLDocument();
doc.head.innerHTML = '<template id="tmpl1"><div id="div">DIV</div></template>';
var template = doc.querySelector('#tmpl1');
var div = template.content.querySelector('#div');
assert_equals(div.ownerDocument, template.content.ownerDocument,
'Wrong ownerDocument of the element in template');
}, 'Test ownerDocument property of the element in a template. '
+ 'Current DOCUMENT has no browsing context. Test template element '
+ 'in the root of the head');
test(function () {
var doc = newHTMLDocument();
doc.body.innerHTML = '<template id="tmpl1">'
+ '<template id="tmpl2"><div id="div">DIV</div></template></template>';
var template = doc.querySelector('#tmpl1');
var nestedTemplate = template.content.querySelector('#tmpl2');
assert_equals(nestedTemplate.ownerDocument, template.content.ownerDocument,
'Wrong nested template owner document');
var div = nestedTemplate.content.querySelector('#div');
assert_equals(div.ownerDocument, nestedTemplate.content.ownerDocument,
'Wrong div ownerDocument');
}, 'Test ownerDocument property of the element in a nested template');
testInIFrame('/html/semantics/scripting-1/the-template-element/resources/template-contents.html', function(context) {
var doc = context.iframes[0].contentDocument;
var template = doc.querySelector('template');
var div = template.content.querySelector('div');
assert_equals(div.ownerDocument, template.content.ownerDocument,
'Wrong ownerDocument of the element in template');
}, 'Test ownerDocument property of the element in a template. '
+ 'Load HTML document from a file, current DOCUMENT has browsing context');
testInIFrame('/html/semantics/scripting-1/the-template-element/resources/template-contents-nested.html', function(context) {
var doc = context.iframes[0].contentDocument;
var template = doc.querySelector('template');
var nestedTemplate = template.content.querySelector('template');
assert_equals(nestedTemplate.ownerDocument, template.content.ownerDocument,
'Wrong nested template owner document');
var div = nestedTemplate.content.querySelector('div');
assert_equals(div.ownerDocument, nestedTemplate.content.ownerDocument,
'Wrong div ownerDocument');
}, 'Test ownerDocument property of the element in a nested template. '
+ 'Load HTML document from a file, current DOCUMENT has browsing context');
testInIFrame('/html/semantics/scripting-1/the-template-element/resources/two-templates.html', function(context) {
var doc = context.iframes[0].contentDocument;
var template1 = doc.querySelector('#template1');
var div1 = template1.content.querySelector('div');
var template2 = doc.querySelector('#template2');
var div2 = template2.content.querySelector('div');
assert_equals(div1.ownerDocument, template1.content.ownerDocument,
'Wrong ownerDocument of the element in template');
assert_equals(div2.ownerDocument, template2.content.ownerDocument,
'Wrong ownerDocument of the element in template');
assert_equals(div1.ownerDocument, div2.ownerDocument,
'Different elements in the same document should share the same template contents owner');
}, 'Test ownerDocument property of two elements in a template. '
+ 'Load HTML document from a file, current DOCUMENT has browsing context');
var parameters = [];
HTML5_ELEMENTS.forEach(function(value) {
if (value !== 'body' && value !== 'html' && value !== 'head' && value !== 'frameset') {
var doc = newHTMLDocument();
if (isVoidElement(value)) {
doc.body.innerHTML = '<template><' + value + '/></template>';
} else {
doc.body.innerHTML = '<template><' + value + '></' + value + '></template>';
var template = doc.querySelector('template');
var element = template.content.querySelector(value);
'Test ownerDocument for the element ' + value + ' in the template',
function compare_owners(element, template) {
assert_equals(element.ownerDocument, template.content.ownerDocument)
// Test ownerDocument property of all HTML5 elements in a template.
// Current DOCUMENT has no browsing context.
generate_tests(compare_owners, parameters);
var context = newContext();
parameters = [];
try {
HTML5_ELEMENTS.forEach(function(value) {
if (value !== 'body' && value !== 'html' && value !== 'head' && value !== 'frameset') {
var doc = newRenderedHTMLDocument(context);
if (isVoidElement(value)) {
doc.body.innerHTML = '<template><' + value + '/></template>';
} else {
doc.body.innerHTML = '<template><' + value + '></' + value + '></template>';
var template = doc.querySelector('template');
var element = template.content.querySelector(value);
'Test ownerDocument for the element ' + value + ' in the template. '
+ 'Document has browsing context',
generate_tests(compare_owners, parameters,
'Test ownerDocument property of all HTML5 elements in a template. '
+ 'Current DOCUMENT has browsing context.');
} finally {
try {
} catch (e) {
//do nothing