
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "src/heap/cppgc-js/cpp-snapshot.h"

#include <memory>

#include "include/cppgc/internal/name-trait.h"
#include "include/cppgc/trace-trait.h"
#include "include/cppgc/visitor.h"
#include "include/v8-cppgc.h"
#include "include/v8-internal.h"
#include "include/v8-profiler.h"
#include "src/api/api-inl.h"
#include "src/base/logging.h"
#include "src/execution/isolate.h"
#include "src/heap/cppgc-js/cpp-heap.h"
#include "src/heap/cppgc/heap-object-header.h"
#include "src/heap/cppgc/heap-visitor.h"
#include "src/heap/cppgc/visitor.h"
#include "src/heap/mark-compact.h"
#include "src/objects/js-objects.h"
#include "src/objects/objects-inl.h"
#include "src/profiler/heap-profiler.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

class CppGraphBuilderImpl;
class StateStorage;
class State;


// Node representing a C++ object on the heap.
class EmbedderNode : public v8::EmbedderGraph::Node {};

constexpr HeapObjectHeader* kNoNativeAddress =;

// Node representing an artificial root group, e.g., set of Persistent handles.
class EmbedderRootNode final : public EmbedderNode {};

// Canonical state representing real and artificial (e.g. root) objects.
class StateBase {};

class State final : public StateBase {};

// Root states are similar to regular states with the difference that they are
// always visible.
class RootState final : public StateBase {};

// Abstraction for storing states. Storage allows for creation and lookup of
// different state objects.
class StateStorage final {};

void* ExtractEmbedderDataBackref(Isolate* isolate, CppHeap& cpp_heap,
                                 v8::Local<v8::Data> v8_value) {}

// The following implements a snapshotting algorithm for C++ objects that also
// filters strongly-connected components (SCCs) of only "hidden" objects that
// are not (transitively) referencing any non-hidden objects.
// C++ objects come in two versions.
// a. Named objects that have been assigned a name through NameProvider.
// b. Unnamed objects, that are potentially hidden if the build configuration
//    requires Oilpan to hide such names. Hidden objects have their name
//    set to NameProvider::kHiddenName.
// The main challenge for the algorithm is to avoid blowing up the final object
// graph with hidden nodes that do not carry information. For that reason, the
// algorithm filters SCCs of only hidden objects, e.g.:
//   ... -> (object) -> (object) -> (hidden) -> (hidden)
// In this case the (hidden) objects are filtered from the graph. The trickiest
// part is maintaining visibility state for objects referencing other objects
// that are currently being processed.
// Main algorithm idea (two passes):
// 1. First pass marks all non-hidden objects and those that transitively reach
//    non-hidden objects as visible. Details:
//    - Iterate over all objects.
//    - If object is non-hidden mark it as visible and also mark parent as
//      visible if needed.
//    - If object is hidden, traverse children as DFS to find non-hidden
//      objects. Post-order process the objects and mark those objects as
//      visible that have child nodes that are visible themselves.
//    - Maintain an epoch counter (StateStorage::state_count_) to allow
//      deferring the visibility decision to other objects in the same SCC. This
//      is similar to the "lowlink" value in Tarjan's algorithm for SCC.
//    - After the first pass it is guaranteed that all deferred visibility
//      decisions can be resolved.
// 2. Second pass adds nodes and edges for all visible objects.
//    - Upon first checking the visibility state of an object, all deferred
//      visibility states are resolved.
// For practical reasons, the recursion is transformed into an iteration. We do
// do not use plain Tarjan's algorithm to avoid another pass over all nodes to
// create SCCs.
class CppGraphBuilderImpl final {};

// Iterating live objects to mark them as visible if needed.
class LiveObjectsForVisibilityIterator final
    : public cppgc::internal::HeapVisitor<LiveObjectsForVisibilityIterator> {};

class ParentScope final {};

// This visitor can be used stand-alone to handle fully weak and ephemeron
// containers or as part of the VisibilityVisitor that recursively traverses
// the object graph.
class WeakVisitor : public JSVisitor {};

class VisiblityVisitor final : public WeakVisitor {};

class GraphBuildingRootVisitor final : public cppgc::internal::RootVisitorBase {};

class GraphBuildingVisitor final : public JSVisitor {};

// Base class for transforming recursion into iteration. Items are processed
// in stack fashion.
class CppGraphBuilderImpl::WorkstackItemBase {};

void CppGraphBuilderImpl::ProcessPendingObjects() {}

// Post-order processing of an object. It's guaranteed that all children have
// been processed first.
class CppGraphBuilderImpl::VisitationDoneItem final : public WorkstackItemBase {};

class CppGraphBuilderImpl::VisitationItem final : public WorkstackItemBase {};

void CppGraphBuilderImpl::VisitForVisibility(State* parent,
                                             const HeapObjectHeader& header) {}

void CppGraphBuilderImpl::
        const HeapObjectHeader& key, const void* value,
        cppgc::TraceDescriptor value_desc) {}

void CppGraphBuilderImpl::VisitEphemeronForVisibility(
    const HeapObjectHeader& key, const HeapObjectHeader& value) {}

void CppGraphBuilderImpl::VisitWeakContainerForVisibility(
    const HeapObjectHeader& container_header) {}

void CppGraphBuilderImpl::RecordEphemeronKey(const HeapObjectHeader& container,
                                             const HeapObjectHeader& key) {}

void CppGraphBuilderImpl::AddConservativeEphemeronKeyEdgesIfNeeded(
    const HeapObjectHeader& header) {}

void CppGraphBuilderImpl::VisitForVisibility(State& parent,
                                             const TracedReferenceBase& ref) {}

void CppGraphBuilderImpl::VisitRootForGraphBuilding(
    RootState& root, const HeapObjectHeader& header,
    const cppgc::SourceLocation& loc) {}

namespace {

// Visitor adds edges from native stack roots to objects.
class GraphBuildingStackVisitor
    : public cppgc::internal::ConservativeTracingVisitor,
      public ::heap::base::StackVisitor,
      public cppgc::Visitor {};

}  // namespace

void CppGraphBuilderImpl::Run() {}

// static
void CppGraphBuilder::Run(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::EmbedderGraph* graph,
                          void* data) {}

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8