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<!-- This test was adapted from style_attribute_html.html -->
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>Style attribute in HTML</title>
<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
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var div;
setup(function() {
var input = '<div style="color: red">Foo</div>';
var doc = Document.parseHTMLUnsafe(input);
div = doc.querySelector('div');
test(function() {
var style = div.style;
assert_equals(style.cssText, 'color: red;');
assert_equals(style.color, 'red');
assert_equals(div.getAttribute("style"), 'color: red',
'Value of style attribute should match the string value that was set');
}, 'Parsing of initial style attribute');
test(function() {
var style = div.style;
div.setAttribute('style', 'color:: invalid');
assert_equals(style.cssText, '');
assert_equals(style.color, '');
assert_equals(div.getAttribute('style'), 'color:: invalid',
'Value of style attribute should match the string value that was set');
}, 'Parsing of invalid style attribute');
test(function() {
var style = div.style;
div.setAttribute('style', 'color: green');
assert_equals(style.cssText, 'color: green;');
assert_equals(style.color, 'green');
assert_equals(div.getAttribute('style'), 'color: green',
'Value of style attribute should match the string value that was set');
}, 'Parsing of style attribute');
test(function() {
var style = div.style;
style.backgroundColor = 'blue';
assert_equals(style.cssText, 'color: green; background-color: blue;',
'Should not drop the existing style');
assert_equals(style.color, 'green',
'Should not drop the existing style');
assert_equals(div.getAttribute('style'), 'color: green; background-color: blue;',
'Should update style attribute');
}, 'Update style.backgroundColor');