"use strict";
setup({ allow_uncaught_exception: true });
promise_test(t => {
self.onerror = t.step_func((...args) => {
assert_greater_than(args.length, 1);
return true;
const eventWatcher = new EventWatcher(t, self, "error");
const promise = eventWatcher.wait_for("error").then(e => {
assert_equals(e.defaultPrevented, true);
setTimeout(() => thisFunctionDoesNotExist(), 0);
return promise;
}, "error event is weird (return true cancels; many args) on WorkerGlobalScope, with a runtime error");
promise_test(t => {
self.onerror = t.step_func(function (message, filename, lineno, colno, error) {
assert_equals(arguments.length, 5, "There must be exactly 5 arguments");
assert_equals(typeof message, "string", "message argument must be a string");
assert_equals(typeof filename, "string", "filename argument must be a string");
assert_equals(typeof lineno, "number", "lineno argument must be a number");
assert_equals(typeof colno, "number", "colno argument must be a number");
assert_equals(typeof error, "object", "error argument must be an object");
assert_equals(error.constructor, ReferenceError, "error argument must be a ReferenceError");
return true;
setTimeout(() => thisFunctionDoesNotExist(), 0);
const eventWatcher = new EventWatcher(t, self, "error");
return eventWatcher.wait_for("error");
}, "error event has the right 5 args on WorkerGlobalScope, with a runtime error");