
// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#error Internationalization is expected to be enabled.
#endif  // V8_INTL_SUPPORT

#include "src/objects/js-number-format.h"

#include <set>
#include <string>

#include "src/execution/isolate.h"
#include "src/numbers/conversions.h"
#include "src/objects/intl-objects.h"
#include "src/objects/js-number-format-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/managed-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/objects-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/option-utils.h"
#include "src/strings/char-predicates-inl.h"
#include "unicode/currunit.h"
#include "unicode/locid.h"
#include "unicode/numberformatter.h"
#include "unicode/numberrangeformatter.h"
#include "unicode/numsys.h"
#include "unicode/ucurr.h"
#include "unicode/uloc.h"
#include "unicode/unumberformatter.h"
#include "unicode/uvernum.h"  // for U_ICU_VERSION_MAJOR_NUM

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

namespace {

// This is to work around ICU's comparison operators not being compliant with
// clang's -Wambiguous-reversed-operator in >=C++20.

// [[Style]] is one of the values "decimal", "percent", "currency",
// or "unit" identifying the style of the number format.
enum class Style {};

// [[CurrencyDisplay]] is one of the values "code", "symbol", "name",
// or "narrowSymbol" identifying the display of the currency number format.
enum class CurrencyDisplay {};

// [[CurrencySign]] is one of the String values "standard" or "accounting",
// specifying whether to render negative numbers in accounting format, often
// signified by parenthesis. It is only used when [[Style]] has the value
// "currency" and when [[SignDisplay]] is not "never".
enum class CurrencySign {};

// [[UnitDisplay]] is one of the String values "short", "narrow", or "long",
// specifying whether to display the unit as a symbol, narrow symbol, or
// localized long name if formatting with the "unit" style. It is
// only used when [[Style]] has the value "unit".
enum class UnitDisplay {};

// [[Notation]] is one of the String values "standard", "scientific",
// "engineering", or "compact", specifying whether the number should be
// displayed without scaling, scaled to the units place with the power of ten
// in scientific notation, scaled to the nearest thousand with the power of
// ten in scientific notation, or scaled to the nearest locale-dependent
// compact decimal notation power of ten with the corresponding compact
// decimal notation affix.

enum class Notation {};

// [[CompactDisplay]] is one of the String values "short" or "long",
// specifying whether to display compact notation affixes in short form ("5K")
// or long form ("5 thousand") if formatting with the "compact" notation. It
// is only used when [[Notation]] has the value "compact".
enum class CompactDisplay {};

// [[SignDisplay]] is one of the String values "auto", "always", "never", or
// "exceptZero", specifying whether to show the sign on negative numbers
// only, positive and negative numbers including zero, neither positive nor
// negative numbers, or positive and negative numbers but not zero.
enum class SignDisplay {};

// [[UseGrouping]] is ....
enum class UseGrouping {};

UNumberUnitWidth ToUNumberUnitWidth(CurrencyDisplay currency_display) {}

UNumberUnitWidth ToUNumberUnitWidth(UnitDisplay unit_display) {}

UNumberSignDisplay ToUNumberSignDisplay(SignDisplay sign_display,
                                        CurrencySign currency_sign) {}

icu::number::Notation ToICUNotation(Notation notation,
                                    CompactDisplay compact_display) {}

UNumberFormatRoundingMode ToUNumberFormatRoundingMode(
    Intl::RoundingMode rounding_mode) {}

UNumberGroupingStrategy ToUNumberGroupingStrategy(UseGrouping use_grouping) {}

std::map<const std::string, icu::MeasureUnit> CreateUnitMap() {}

class UnitFactory {};

// ecma402 #sec-issanctionedsimpleunitidentifier
icu::MeasureUnit IsSanctionedUnitIdentifier(const std::string& unit) {}

// ecma402 #sec-iswellformedunitidentifier
Maybe<std::pair<icu::MeasureUnit, icu::MeasureUnit>> IsWellFormedUnitIdentifier(
    Isolate* isolate, const std::string& unit) {}

// ecma-402/#sec-currencydigits
// The currency is expected to an all upper case string value.
int CurrencyDigits(const icu::UnicodeString& currency) {}

bool IsAToZ(char ch) {}

// ecma402/#sec-iswellformedcurrencycode
bool IsWellFormedCurrencyCode(const std::string& currency) {}

// Return the style as a String.
Handle<String> StyleAsString(Isolate* isolate, Style style) {}

// Parse the 'currencyDisplay' from the skeleton.
Handle<String> CurrencyDisplayString(Isolate* isolate,
                                     const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {}

Handle<Object> UseGroupingFromSkeleton(Isolate* isolate,
                                       const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {}

// Parse currency code from skeleton. For example, skeleton as
// "currency/TWD .00 rounding-mode-half-up unit-width-full-name;"
const icu::UnicodeString CurrencyFromSkeleton(
    const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {}

}  // namespace
const icu::UnicodeString JSNumberFormat::NumberingSystemFromSkeleton(
    const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {}

namespace {

// Return CurrencySign as string based on skeleton.
Handle<String> CurrencySignString(Isolate* isolate,
                                  const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {}

// Return UnitDisplay as string based on skeleton.
Handle<String> UnitDisplayString(Isolate* isolate,
                                 const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {}

// Parse Notation from skeleton.
Notation NotationFromSkeleton(const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {}

Handle<String> NotationAsString(Isolate* isolate, Notation notation) {}

// Return CompactString as string based on skeleton.
Handle<String> CompactDisplayString(Isolate* isolate,
                                    const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {}

// Return SignDisplay as string based on skeleton.
Handle<String> SignDisplayString(Isolate* isolate,
                                 const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {}

}  // anonymous namespace

// Return RoundingMode as string based on skeleton.
Handle<String> JSNumberFormat::RoundingModeString(
    Isolate* isolate, const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {}

Handle<Object> JSNumberFormat::RoundingIncrement(
    Isolate* isolate, const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {}

// Return RoundingPriority as string based on skeleton.
Handle<String> JSNumberFormat::RoundingPriorityString(
    Isolate* isolate, const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {}

// Return trailingZeroDisplay as string based on skeleton.
Handle<String> JSNumberFormat::TrailingZeroDisplayString(
    Isolate* isolate, const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {}

// Return the minimum integer digits by counting the number of '0' after
// "integer-width/*" in the skeleton.
// Ex: Return 15 for skeleton as
// “currency/TWD .00 rounding-mode-half-up integer-width/*000000000000000”
//                                                                 1
//                                                        123456789012345
// Return default value as 1 if there are no "integer-width/*".
int32_t JSNumberFormat::MinimumIntegerDigitsFromSkeleton(
    const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {}

// Return true if there are fraction digits, false if not.
// The minimum fraction digits is the number of '0' after '.' in the skeleton
// The maximum fraction digits is the number of '#' after the above '0's plus
// the minimum fraction digits.
// For example, as skeleton “.000#### rounding-mode-half-up”
//                            123
//                               4567
// Set The minimum as 3 and maximum as 7.
// We also treat the following  special cases as both minimum and maximum are 0
// while there are no . in the skeleton:
// 1. While there are "precision-integer" in the skeleton.
// 2. While there are "precision-increment/" in the skeleton but no . after it.
// Examples:
// "currency/JPY precision-integer rounding-mode-half-up"
// "precision-increment/2 rounding-mode-half-up"
bool JSNumberFormat::FractionDigitsFromSkeleton(
    const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton, int32_t* minimum, int32_t* maximum) {}

// Return true if there are significant digits, false if not.
// The minimum significant digits is the number of '@' in the skeleton
// The maximum significant digits is the number of '#' after these '@'s plus
// the minimum significant digits.
// Ex: Skeleton as "@@@@@####### rounding-mode-half-up"
//                  12345
//                       6789012
// Set The minimum as 5 and maximum as 12.
bool JSNumberFormat::SignificantDigitsFromSkeleton(
    const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton, int32_t* minimum, int32_t* maximum) {}

namespace {

// Ex: percent .### rounding-mode-half-up
// Special case for "percent"
// Ex: "unit/milliliter-per-acre .### rounding-mode-half-up"
// should return "milliliter-per-acre".
// Ex: "unit/year .### rounding-mode-half-up" should return
// "year".
std::string UnitFromSkeleton(const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {}

Style StyleFromSkeleton(const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {}

}  // anonymous namespace

    const icu::number::UnlocalizedNumberFormatter& settings,
    const Intl::NumberFormatDigitOptions& digit_options) {}

// static
// ecma402 #sec-intl.numberformat.prototype.resolvedoptions
Handle<JSObject> JSNumberFormat::ResolvedOptions(
    Isolate* isolate, DirectHandle<JSNumberFormat> number_format) {}

// ecma402/#sec-unwrapnumberformat
MaybeHandle<JSNumberFormat> JSNumberFormat::UnwrapNumberFormat(
    Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> format_holder) {}

// static
MaybeHandle<JSNumberFormat> JSNumberFormat::New(Isolate* isolate,
                                                DirectHandle<Map> map,
                                                Handle<Object> locales,
                                                Handle<Object> options_obj,
                                                const char* service) {}

namespace {

icu::number::FormattedNumber FormatDecimalString(
    Isolate* isolate,
    const icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter& number_format,
    Handle<String> string, UErrorCode& status) {}

}  // namespace

bool IntlMathematicalValue::IsNaN() const {}

MaybeHandle<String> IntlMathematicalValue::ToString(Isolate* isolate) const {}

namespace {
Maybe<icu::number::FormattedNumber> IcuFormatNumber(
    Isolate* isolate,
    const icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter& number_format,
    Handle<Object> numeric_obj) {}

}  // namespace

Maybe<icu::number::FormattedNumber> IntlMathematicalValue::FormatNumeric(
    Isolate* isolate,
    const icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter& number_format,
    const IntlMathematicalValue& x) {}

Maybe<icu::number::FormattedNumberRange> IntlMathematicalValue::FormatRange(
    Isolate* isolate,
    const icu::number::LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter& number_range_format,
    const IntlMathematicalValue& x, const IntlMathematicalValue& y) {}

namespace {
// Return the index of the end of leading white space or line terminator
// and the index of the start of trailing white space or line terminator.
template <typename Char>
std::pair<int, int> FindLeadingAndTrailingWhiteSpaceOrLineTerminator(
    base::Vector<const Char> src) {}

Handle<String> TrimWhiteSpaceOrLineTerminator(Isolate* isolate,
                                              Handle<String> string) {}

}  // namespace

// #sec-tointlmathematicalvalue
Maybe<IntlMathematicalValue> IntlMathematicalValue::From(Isolate* isolate,
                                                         Handle<Object> value) {}

Maybe<icu::Formattable> IntlMathematicalValue::ToFormattable(
    Isolate* isolate) const {}

namespace {
bool cmp_NumberFormatSpan(const NumberFormatSpan& a,
                          const NumberFormatSpan& b) {}

}  // namespace

// Flattens a list of possibly-overlapping "regions" to a list of
// non-overlapping "parts". At least one of the input regions must span the
// entire space of possible indexes. The regions parameter will sorted in-place
// according to some criteria; this is done for performance to avoid copying the
// input.
std::vector<NumberFormatSpan> FlattenRegionsToParts(
    std::vector<NumberFormatSpan>* regions) {}

namespace {
Maybe<int> ConstructParts(Isolate* isolate,
                          const icu::FormattedValue& formatted,
                          Handle<JSArray> result, int start_index,
                          bool style_is_unit, bool is_nan, bool output_source,
                          bool output_unit, DirectHandle<String> unit) {}

}  // namespace

Maybe<int> Intl::AddNumberElements(Isolate* isolate,
                                   const icu::FormattedValue& formatted,
                                   Handle<JSArray> result, int start_index,
                                   DirectHandle<String> unit) {}

namespace {

// #sec-partitionnumberrangepattern
template <typename T, MaybeHandle<T> (*F)(
                          Isolate*, const icu::FormattedValue&,
                          const icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter&, bool)>
MaybeHandle<T> PartitionNumberRangePattern(
    Isolate* isolate, DirectHandle<JSNumberFormat> number_format,
    Handle<Object> start, Handle<Object> end, const char* func_name) {}

MaybeHandle<String> FormatToString(Isolate* isolate,
                                   const icu::FormattedValue& formatted,
                                   const icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter&,
                                   bool) {}

MaybeHandle<JSArray> FormatToJSArray(
    Isolate* isolate, const icu::FormattedValue& formatted,
    const icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter& nfmt, bool is_nan,
    bool output_source) {}

MaybeHandle<JSArray> FormatRangeToJSArray(
    Isolate* isolate, const icu::FormattedValue& formatted,
    const icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter& nfmt, bool is_nan) {}

}  // namespace

    Isolate* isolate, Tagged<String> locale,
    const icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter& number_formatter) {}

MaybeHandle<String> JSNumberFormat::FormatNumeric(
    Isolate* isolate,
    const icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter& number_format,
    Handle<Object> numeric_obj) {}

MaybeHandle<String> JSNumberFormat::NumberFormatFunction(
    Isolate* isolate, DirectHandle<JSNumberFormat> number_format,
    Handle<Object> value) {}

MaybeHandle<JSArray> JSNumberFormat::FormatToParts(
    Isolate* isolate, DirectHandle<JSNumberFormat> number_format,
    Handle<Object> numeric_obj) {}

// #sec-number-format-functions

MaybeHandle<String> JSNumberFormat::FormatNumericRange(
    Isolate* isolate, DirectHandle<JSNumberFormat> number_format,
    Handle<Object> x_obj, Handle<Object> y_obj) {}

MaybeHandle<JSArray> JSNumberFormat::FormatNumericRangeToParts(
    Isolate* isolate, DirectHandle<JSNumberFormat> number_format,
    Handle<Object> x_obj, Handle<Object> y_obj) {}

namespace {

struct CheckNumberElements {};

}  // namespace

const std::set<std::string>& JSNumberFormat::GetAvailableLocales() {}

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8