
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Unhandled user prompt dismisses and notifies</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<meta name="variant" content="?type=alert">
<meta name="variant" content="?type=confirm">
<meta name="variant" content="?type=prompt">
<meta name="variant" content="?type=alert&wait">
<meta name="variant" content="?type=confirm&wait">
<meta name="variant" content="?type=prompt&wait">
  let params = new URL(location).searchParams;
  setup({ single_test: true });
  // Waiting exercises the case where a user prompt appears while waiting for
  // the next testdriver event. The WebDriver-specified behavior is to resolve
  // with `null` [1, 2], which the WebDriver executor should ignore. The
  // testdriver event loop will handle the open prompt on its next cycle. For
  // the default "dismiss and notify" handler, this throws an unexpected alert
  // open error in the executor.
  // [1]: Step 5.3 of
  // [2]:
  step_timeout(() => {
    let type = params.get("type");
    window[type]("this user prompt should be dismissed");
  }, params.has("wait") ? 1000 : 0);